Birding Hotspots:
Cornell University, an Ivy League
school in Ithaca, NY has a birding program that is one of the best in the
world. We visited their building in Ithaca with Andrew and Michaela a few years
ago. My post on it is here. They sponsor the Merlin birding app that
helps identify birds and eBird which allows people all over the world to
identify birds in the field and electronically have their birding lists
recorded. Areas with lots of bird species are called “hotspots” and you can
find them on the internet. The hotspots identify the bird seen, the date and
who saw it.
Birding Hotspots in the U.S.:
The top birding hotspot in the United
States is Southeast Farallon Island, about 30 miles off San Francisco, which
has recorded 436 bird species this year (it is closed to the public, so it is
probably rangers that record them as it is a national wildlife refuge). No. 2
is Bosque del Apache NWR in New Mexico that we visited relatively recently,
with 379 species. No. 8 is Aransas NWR in Texas that we visited a few years
ago, with 366 birds (that’s where we saw whooping cranes). Nos. 14 and 15 are
Laguna Atascosa NWR and South Padre Island Birding and Nature Center in Texas
that I visited with John Pedrosa several years ago with 363 and 362 birds
species respectively.
The best birding hotspot near us in
Southern California is the Irvine Water District San Joaquin Marsh, with 333
bird species seen in the last year. It is no. 56 in the U.S.
The top hotspot in Utah is Fish
Springs NWR, which I visited earlier this year, with 293 species. Antelope
Island SP is no. 3 in Utah with 262 species and Bear River Migratory Bird
Refuge Auto Tour Loop is no. 5 with 257 bird species, both of which I’ve also
visited this year.
Birding Hotspots in the World:
When compared
to the rest of the world, the U.S. is only no. 20 in terms of species of birds
with 860. The no. 1 country in the world is Colombia with 1,878 species and Colombia
is only the size of California and Texas combined.
Colombia 1,878 1
Peru 1,858 2
Brazil 1,813 3
Indonesia 1,711 4
Ecuador 1,622 5
Bolivia 1,438 6
Venezuela 1,394 7
China 1,288 8
India 1,211 9
Congo – 1,107 10
Republic of
Mexico 1,104 11
Tanzania 1,075 12
Kenya 1,058 13
Argentina 1,004 14
Uganda 999 15
Thailand 934 16
Angola 915 17
Cameroon 885 18
Panama 884 19
USA 860 20
Costa Rica 857 21
Birding Hotspots in Colombia:
We visited Colombia in March of
this year and went to two areas to do birding. First we stayed at Hotel Tinamu Birding Nature Reserve. It is no. 23 in Colombia with 448 bird species seen
there in the last year, more than the top birding spot in the USA.
I found a post on Tinamu Reserve
titled, “The Nicest Bird-lodge of Colombia: Tinamu Birding Nature Reserve,”
posted October 7, 2020 by Frank59872 on the website of Sula Colombia Birding
and Nature Tours. The following information is from that post:
In 2014 Mauricio Londoño made
the decision to build a bird lodge. He named it after the little tinamou, a
species of bird. There are now about 60 bird species that can be seen around
the lodge. It has became a successful and unique project in Colombia, competing
internationally with eco-lodges and bird-lodges in Guatemala, Ecuador, Peru,
Brazil and Costa Rica, which have more experience with birding and nature
Initially the
bird lodge received hardcore birders. As time went by it took steps to
discourage budget conscious birders, like forbidding camping and tourist buses
with more than ten passengers. It now caters to bird photographers, a segment
of bird watchers who generally carry heavy photographic equipment and don’t
walk much. Bird photographers generally sit and wait for the perfect conditions
to photograph birds. The facilities are designed to attract birds for the photographers, with native plant
gardens, bird feeders, waterers, natural perches and hides to aid photography.
It also has created artificial nests for birds and mammals. This requires
a daily commitment to maintenance, to ensure the presence and health of the
birds. It also has 3 km of private paths.
The lodge has large rooms of between 82
and 98 square feet, with comfortable beds and spacious bathrooms with hot
311 acres protect the bird habitat for 227 resident and 33 migratory bird
species (as of 2019) in the middle of an agricultural zone. But
the reserve has retained some coffee and bananas trees (for bird food) to grow
along with the reforested native species, but maintains the coffee and banana
trees naturally, not agriculturally. Some species, like the tinamou and grallarias
are attracted by the mixed covers of coffee and forest. It
also has mammals, reptiles, insects, butterflies, moths, plants and
fungi. A gallery of wildlife photographed at Tinamu, included with the
article, includes: [birds] a blue-headed parrot, white-bearded manakin, western
emerald hummingbird, spectacled owl, mustached puffbird, gray-headed dove,
bay-headed tanager, [plants] zingiberaceae plant, passion fruit flower, water
lily, bamboo mushroom, earthstar mushroom, [insects] scarabeidae, pieridae butterfly,
[mammals] kinkajou, long-tailed weasel, nine-banded armadillo, agouti,
stump-tailed porcupine, Hoffmann’s two-toed sloth, crab-eating fox, tent-making
bat, [reptiles] Berthold’s bush anole and western basilisk lizard.
We (Judy and my granddaughter who goes by the on-line moniker of Squirrel) flew from Bogota to Pereira and were driven to Tinamu Reserve, which took about 1.5 hours. We arrived about 11:30 a.m., checked into our room with three beds and then had lunch.
Our experience that first day was that Tinamu is geared to groups with outside guides that come back and back with different clients. I talked with one guide from the U.S. who had been back with groups 17 straight years. The guides know the staff, the staff know the guides, and the guides stay with their groups. When we arrived we were not given any kind of orientation or explanation of how things worked. We were pointed to our sleeping quarters and not notified when meals were given or when any special activities took place, like the visit to try and see the little tinamou in the morning. I saw everyone in camp heading out in a line and just joined in. We felt like outsiders crashing someone else's party. We had the whole next day with a Spanish speaking guide and I tried to figure out how to have a better experience, how to get him to focus on helping us when all around him were people he knew from prior years of interaction. So I decided to offer my Spanish speaking guide $2.00 USD for each new species of bird I photographed that I'd not seen before. Pretty soon he disappeared and when I asked about him a guide from an outside group told me they were short and he'd gone to get another guide that was needed. I thought he was going to get another guide to give to us so that he could go with this other group. However, he eventually came back with a female guide who could speak English and both went with us. I started to think that my incentive was working.
I was having a hard time seeing the birds. One eye had cataracts and my eyesight in that eye was about 20/30. The other eye had previously had cataract surgery but had recently gone cloudy and I could hardly even read with that eye (I've since had laser surgery to correct it). So it was frustrating for the guides because I had a hard time seeing the birds they were pointing out. However, this day turned out wonderfully. The English guide helped with the communication and both were patient helping me to try and see the birds with a laser pointer. First we went down into a canyon next to the lodge and spent most of the morning there.
The first bird we saw was a common potoo, high up in a distant tree. I was excited about it as I'd just seen my first potoo, a northern potoo, in Jamaica a month earlier. |
Thick jungle. |
Very tall trees. |
Bird spotting |
Eastern wood pewee (this and next) |
Tropical screech-owl. Another guided group ahead of us saw it and we went back to find it with their directions. It was very difficult to see. |
Acadian flycatcher |
Plain-brown woodcreeper |
Black-chested jay |
House wren |
Lemurine night monkey or Colombian night monkey. It was asleep in a tree and very difficult to see. |
The birds were much more difficult to find and see in the canyon. There were others I saw and did not get photos of, or which I got very poor photos of. We returned for lunch, then went on a walk down the road we drove in on from the main highway into Tinamu. We saw lots of wonderful birds and Judy and Squirrel focused on plants and flowers.
We spent the night at Tinamu and were being picked up the next morning at 6:30 a.m. to go to Montezuma Rainforest Lodge. That morning our Spanish guide invited us to have breakfast on him, a very nice gesture. The day before and that morning I told him I really wanted to see a Colombian chachalaca, a bird endemic to that area. He came rushing up to me during breakfast and said that Colombian chachalacas were on a feeder. I was excited to see them.
Colombian chachalaca |
Then someone exclaimed that a blue-necked tanager was on the same feeder and I rushed back over to get a photo.
Blue-necked tanager |
Our Spanish guide offered our driver breakfast because we were late to get off, with breakfast and all of the bird activity. The second day and our second morning were a complete different experience.
Definitely a Birding Bonanza for you. I'm glad you had the opportunity.