I've posted on pronghorns four times previously: (1)
in Billings, MT and Buena Vista, CO; (2)
Custer State Park in SD; (3)
Antelope Island in UT; and (4)
Belfield and Little Missouri National Grassland in ND. In my previous Antelope Island post, I noted that I'd only seen them twice and both times were at great distances. I visited Antelope Island again in November and spent most of my time on the east side of the island where the pronghorn are supposed to be. I finally gave up and drove up to a higher elevation, and there I spotted a group of them on a ridge much closer than I'd seen them before. They disappeared over the ridge in the direction where a road goes, so I took that road and just as I got to the top of the ridge there was a herd of pronghorn just off the road, on both sides. I actually got out of the car and took photos quite awhile as they wandered around, ultimately at some distance, then came back again.
I like the color in this photo. |
These are some of my favorite photos from that trip.
I like the view of the pair of horns and ears. |
A female with her tiny horns. |
Two pronghorns barely visible in the grass at some distance. |
Pronghorns crossing the road in front of a car (the photo is through my windshield which distorts the color and clarity). |
The antelope in the photo of the "pair of horns and ears" looks like an adolescent in that awkward, somewhat unattractive stage.