wild boar (Sus scrofa), also known as the Eurasian wild pig or wild pig, is native to Eurasia, North Africa and the Greater Sunda Islands that include Sumatra, Borneo and Java. There are 16 subspecies in four regional groups. The Indian regional grouping only includes two subspecies: S. s. davidi, the Central Asian boar, found in Pakistan, India and southeastern Iran; and and S. s. cristatus, the Indian boar, found in India, Nepal, Myanmar, western Thailand and Sri Lanka. This regional grouping has sparse or absent underwool, long manes and prominent bands on the snout and mouth. The
Indian boar is long maned, brindled black (irregular shapes), and compared to the nominate subspecies, is more lightly built, has a larger and more pointed head, has smaller and more pointed ears, and the plane of its forehead is straight.
Indian boar in Bundala NP with a painted stork in foreground. |
We saw them in Yala National Park and Bundala National Park. Wikipedia shows one with its mane standing up and it is very striking. Unfortunately, we did not see any with the manes standing up.
This photo, from Wikipedia, shows the Indian boar with its mane standing up. It is very distinctive. |
This Indian boar is in Yala NP. |
I have seen
feral wild pigs in Florida, but these are the first actual wild boar I've seen.
In Yala NP. |
Those tusks are really awesome. I wouldn't want one to nibble on me.