Edwin Q. Cannon, Wilford Cannon, Archie Brockbank and Clarence (Clix) Wright continued their trip which had taken them from Vienna, to Constantinople, to Athens, to Cairo, to Jerusalem and now to Italy. They went to Naples, Pompeii and Rome, then Ed and Archie left Wilf and Clix in Rome (presumably so that they could go back to missionary work) to travel to Florence, Venice and Milan. There Ed left Archie and traveled back to Zurich, the Swiss German Mission headquarters, where he began his travels back home, with stops in New York, Washington, D.C., where he met President Taft, and to Chicago, where his journal ends.
May 24, 1910 (Tuesday): (Port Said)
We arrived at Port Said at 7.00 A.M. and left for Alexandria at 4 P.M. Our fare Jaffa to Alexandria 2d class was 46.80 francs and from Alexandria to Naples 3rd class 60 marks.
May 25, 1910 (Wednesday): (Alexandria)
We arrived at Alexandria at 7 A.M. Wilford and Archie B. had a boat-man transfer them and our baggage to the ship with which we sailed to Naples and Clarence W. and I went to the German Lloyd office and got our tickets. After getting our places on the boat we all went in town and got dinner. Our ship the Schleswig left the quay at 2 P.M. Our quarters on the boat are fairly clean, but I’d rather not travel 3rd class again.
May 26, 1910 (Thursday): (Boat to Naples)
There is a big bunch of Americans with us in 3rd class who are returning home from the Fillipines where they’ve been serving in various government positions.
May 27, 1910 (Friday): (Boat to Naples)
So far we have had a very pleasant voyage. Our meals are fairly good and the weather has been fine and the Schleswig is an easy sailor. I read Bulwar’s Paul Clifford yester-day and to-day.
May 28, 1910 (Saturday): (Naples)
We passed through the Streights of Messina this morning about 2 O’Clock. I staid up until we could see the lights of Messina in the distance. We passed the voulcano Strombouli about 7.30 A.M. There is quite a cloud of smoke issuing from its crator. We landed at Naples about 4.30 P.M. and engaged rooms at the Pension Francaise. We have a dandy view of the bay from our window. We are paying 8 __ per day for pension. We walked around town for a while this evening.
May 29, 1910 (Sunday): (Naples, Mt. Vesuvius)
This fore-noon we went through the National Museum. There are some very famous old pieces of sculpture here and very many things found in Pompeii. This afternoon we went up to the top of Mt. Vesuvius. It was a very hard climb and we were next to exhausted when we got up there. There was quite a bit of smoke arising from various places around the edge of the crater. Our trip up and back cost us 35 centines car fare out to Pugliano and we hired a guide for 2.50 fr. and paid 2.50 each gov’t farrie to get to the top. The trip took us about 6 ½ hours.
May 24, 1910 (Tuesday): (Port Said)
We arrived at Port Said at 7.00 A.M. and left for Alexandria at 4 P.M. Our fare Jaffa to Alexandria 2d class was 46.80 francs and from Alexandria to Naples 3rd class 60 marks.
May 25, 1910 (Wednesday): (Alexandria)
We arrived at Alexandria at 7 A.M. Wilford and Archie B. had a boat-man transfer them and our baggage to the ship with which we sailed to Naples and Clarence W. and I went to the German Lloyd office and got our tickets. After getting our places on the boat we all went in town and got dinner. Our ship the Schleswig left the quay at 2 P.M. Our quarters on the boat are fairly clean, but I’d rather not travel 3rd class again.
May 26, 1910 (Thursday): (Boat to Naples)
There is a big bunch of Americans with us in 3rd class who are returning home from the Fillipines where they’ve been serving in various government positions.
May 27, 1910 (Friday): (Boat to Naples)
So far we have had a very pleasant voyage. Our meals are fairly good and the weather has been fine and the Schleswig is an easy sailor. I read Bulwar’s Paul Clifford yester-day and to-day.
May 28, 1910 (Saturday): (Naples)
We passed through the Streights of Messina this morning about 2 O’Clock. I staid up until we could see the lights of Messina in the distance. We passed the voulcano Strombouli about 7.30 A.M. There is quite a cloud of smoke issuing from its crator. We landed at Naples about 4.30 P.M. and engaged rooms at the Pension Francaise. We have a dandy view of the bay from our window. We are paying 8 __ per day for pension. We walked around town for a while this evening.
May 29, 1910 (Sunday): (Naples, Mt. Vesuvius)
This fore-noon we went through the National Museum. There are some very famous old pieces of sculpture here and very many things found in Pompeii. This afternoon we went up to the top of Mt. Vesuvius. It was a very hard climb and we were next to exhausted when we got up there. There was quite a bit of smoke arising from various places around the edge of the crater. Our trip up and back cost us 35 centines car fare out to Pugliano and we hired a guide for 2.50 fr. and paid 2.50 each gov’t farrie to get to the top. The trip took us about 6 ½ hours.

We went out to Pompeii about 10 A.M. after having taken our baggage to the depot. The fare out there and back cost us 2.60 fr. each. In Pompeii we visited the baths, the theatre, and a number of residences

among them the house of the tragic poet, then the amphitheatre.

We also watched them excavate for a while. It is certainly interesting to see how well preserved most of the walls are. We returned to Naples about 5 P.M., ate supper and left for Rome at 6.50 P.M. We arrived in Rome 11:15 P.M. and came to the Pension Boos.
May 31, 1910 (Tuesday): (Rome)
We went down to Cooks’ this fore-noon and I received a registered letter confirming a check for 2180 francs. It certainly is a good thing that I received this money as we had only 40 fr. left between us. I had to take the check to the Bank to get it cashed. This afternoon we visited the Colosseum
May 31, 1910 (Tuesday): (Rome)
We went down to Cooks’ this fore-noon and I received a registered letter confirming a check for 2180 francs. It certainly is a good thing that I received this money as we had only 40 fr. left between us. I had to take the check to the Bank to get it cashed. This afternoon we visited the Colosseum

and would have visited the Forum had it not rain.
June 1, 1910 (Wednesday): (Rome)
We went to St. Peters
and climbed the tower also visited the collection of mosaics, Raphel’s collection and the museum and Sistine Chapel in the Vatican this fore-noon. This afternoon we took a carriage drive out to the catacombs. We visited some models showing ancient Roman buildings and their position. We also visited the baths. After leaving the catacombs we drove along the Appian Way and then returned on our way visiting St. John’s Church.
June 2, 1910 (Thursday): (Rome, Florence)
This fore-noon we visited the Capitol on which stands the Capitoline Museum in various old buildings. The main thing in these museums is the sculpture work the Dying Gaul. This afternoon we did some shopping then Archie and I said good bye to Wilf and Clarence and left for Florence at 6.15 P.M. We arrived at 11.30 and put up at a small hotel near the depot.
June 3, 1910 (Friday): (Florence, Venice)
We got out early this morning and took a walk through the town to the Porta Romana where begins the famous Viale dei Colli. This is said to be one of the prettiest drives in the world and I can well believe that it is. We took a carriage

June 4, 1910 (Saturday): (Venice, Milan)
We rode the steam boat to the depot and left our things there then rode back to P. of St. Mark.

Hundreds of pigeons fly around on this “Plaz”

and they are so tame that they will light on your hat or shoulders or hands to get corn.

We went in St. Mark’s cathedrale then through the Palace of the Doges. In the latter place we crossed the Bridge of Sighs. We did some bargaining then hurried to the depot, getting there barely in time to catch our train for Milan at 2 P.M. We arrived in Milan at 7.15 P.M. and put up at the Hotel Schweizer. Post a very moderate priced house. We took a walk this evening and also went to a “Kino”. I bought 2d class ticket to Zurich in Venice. It cost me 46.35 francs.
June 5, 1910 (Sunday): (Milan, Zurich)
Archie and I went through the [Milan] Cathedrale this morning. We climbed to the top

but were unable to get much of a view on account of the stormy condition of the weather. We also visited the “Castello” expecting to see a parade but it wasn’t much of a parade that we saw. We evidently got there too late. I caught a train for Zurich at 12.40 P.M. saying good by to Archie for the last time over here. He leaves for Lausanne to morrow. The scenery through the Alps is very beautiful. Especially interesting though very disagreeable was the ride through the numerous and some very long tunnels on each side and including the St. Gothard Tunnel. We were 16 minutes going through the latter. On arrival at Zurich I checked my grips and went up to meeting. Much to my surprise and discomfort they called on me to speak, although the meeting was almost out when I got there. After meeting Pres. McKay walked to the depot with me to get my grips and I went up to the office to stay.
June 6, 1910 (Monday): (Zurich)
We went out walking on the lake before noon, that is, Bros. Parsons Chamberlain and Pres. McKay and I, and took some pictures. This afternoon we went to buy my ticket. We priced the ticket I wanted both at the depot and Cooks and found that he charged a little more for it. I bought a 3rd class ticket to Brussels for 29.15 francs. I bought me a pair of field glasses also. I left Zurich at 9.18 P.M.
June 7, 1910 (Tuesday): (Brussels)
No one seemed to be at the depot to meet me this morning. I walked out around trying to find some one who could show me the way to Lester’s room. Just as I was about to succeed Bro. Fredrich spied me and we went up to the room where I met Lest and Bro. Thurman. We went out to the field of Waterloo [below] right soon after and stayed out there until after 3 P.M.

Upon returning to the room there was a letter from Ada* for Wilf* and me. She advised me that William* had sent me $400 per check out side of the $425 which he telegraphed. She also wants me to get some things for her and Helen so we went to Fietze’s and bought some silk hose etc. etc. We spent the evening at the room.
*Wilford Young Cannon was Ed’s half-brother, a couple of years younger than Ed. He was the son of George Q. Cannon and Caroline Young Cannon. He was a missionary in the Swiss German Mission from 1909 to 1911. William Tenney Cannon was the full-brother of Ed, but 16 years older. They were children of George Q. Cannon and Eliza Tenney Cannon. Ada, or Emily Ada Young Croxall Cannon was the daughter of Mark Croxall and Caroline Young Croxall who eventually married George Q. Cannon and George Q. adopted Ada. She and William were the same age and were married to each other. They were technically brother and sister, by adoption, but had totally different parents. So Ada and Wilford had the same mother, but different blood fathers; William and Ed had the same mother and same father; and Ed and Wilford had the same father, but different mothers. I am guessing that the money being sent to Ed was part of his inheritance from his father’s estate, who died in 1901. After Ed got home from his mission, William helped Ed buy into the Salt Lake Stamp Company using inherited money from their father’s estate.
June 8, 1910 (Wednesday): (Brussels, Rotterdam)
Les and I went out to the Exposition* this morning but got there too early to get in., and not having sufficient time to wait ‘till the gates were opened returned to town. On our way we visited the “Mannekin” fountain. We met Bro. Thurman by Fietzes and went in and bought some more things then went to the depot. Les and Bro. Thurman left for Liege at about 11 A.M. and I left for Rotterdam about an hour later. Daniel wasn’t in Dordrecht as I expected, having been put in president of the Arnhem Conference. I visited Pres. Thatcher for awhile in the after-noon and arranged for my ticket to Liverpool and got Dan’s address. I telegraphed to Arnhem to see if Dan was at home but didn’t get an answer in time to get out to-night. I went to a “Kiao” with Bro. Millard this evening and received a telegram from Dan when I got home.
*A world fair was held in Brussels in 1910.
June 9, 1910 (Thursday): (Rotterdam, Arnhem)
I left for Arnhem at 7.15 A.M. Dan* didn’t seem hardly like the same fellow, I believe he’s larger than when I last saw him [the photo below was taken in a park in Arnhem].
Les and I went out to the Exposition* this morning but got there too early to get in., and not having sufficient time to wait ‘till the gates were opened returned to town. On our way we visited the “Mannekin” fountain. We met Bro. Thurman by Fietzes and went in and bought some more things then went to the depot. Les and Bro. Thurman left for Liege at about 11 A.M. and I left for Rotterdam about an hour later. Daniel wasn’t in Dordrecht as I expected, having been put in president of the Arnhem Conference. I visited Pres. Thatcher for awhile in the after-noon and arranged for my ticket to Liverpool and got Dan’s address. I telegraphed to Arnhem to see if Dan was at home but didn’t get an answer in time to get out to-night. I went to a “Kiao” with Bro. Millard this evening and received a telegram from Dan when I got home.
*A world fair was held in Brussels in 1910.
June 9, 1910 (Thursday): (Rotterdam, Arnhem)
I left for Arnhem at 7.15 A.M. Dan* didn’t seem hardly like the same fellow, I believe he’s larger than when I last saw him [the photo below was taken in a park in Arnhem].

We took quite a walk before dinner

and in the after-noon talked over home affairs. I left for Rotterdam at 5.15 P.M. and went right to the Grimbsby dock when I arrived. Pres. Thatcher is going to Liverpoool to see Pres. Penrose off. We have the same cabin.
*I believe this may be Daniel Hoagland Cannon, the son of John Q. Cannon, Ed’s oldest half-brother, 29 years his senior, the son of George Q. Cannon and Elizabeth Hoagland. Daniel was three years younger than Ed.
June 10, 1910 (Friday): (Rotterdam, Liverpool)
We should have arrived in Grimbsby at about 9 A.M. but it was so foggy that it was about 3 P.M. before we landed. We got into Liverpool at 6.15 P.M. We went up to the Lord Nelson Hotel!! And got room and supper, then went to head-quarters to a social given for Pres. Penrose. Bro. Joe Kunz and also Bro. Hy Carstensen were on the boat from Rotterdam. They are returning home.
June 11, 1910 (Saturday): (Liverpool)
Bro. A. H. Parkinson [see picture below, posing with some strangers] is going to sail on the Cedric so we fixed it up to travel home together.
*I believe this may be Daniel Hoagland Cannon, the son of John Q. Cannon, Ed’s oldest half-brother, 29 years his senior, the son of George Q. Cannon and Elizabeth Hoagland. Daniel was three years younger than Ed.
June 10, 1910 (Friday): (Rotterdam, Liverpool)
We should have arrived in Grimbsby at about 9 A.M. but it was so foggy that it was about 3 P.M. before we landed. We got into Liverpool at 6.15 P.M. We went up to the Lord Nelson Hotel!! And got room and supper, then went to head-quarters to a social given for Pres. Penrose. Bro. Joe Kunz and also Bro. Hy Carstensen were on the boat from Rotterdam. They are returning home.
June 11, 1910 (Saturday): (Liverpool)
Bro. A. H. Parkinson [see picture below, posing with some strangers] is going to sail on the Cedric so we fixed it up to travel home together.

There were various little preliminaries pertaining to securing our baggage on the boat necessary before we went aboard at 12.30 P.M. The boat left the stage at 2.30 We have had a fine day and the weather gives promise of a pleasant voyage.
June 12, 1910 (Sunday): (At sea, Queenstown)
We had a fine day. The sea was very smooth all day long. When we got up this morning we were in Queenstown harbor, and the surrounding country afforded a very pleasing scene. As we were leaving the harbor the Mauritania* came in.
June 12, 1910 (Sunday): (At sea, Queenstown)
We had a fine day. The sea was very smooth all day long. When we got up this morning we were in Queenstown harbor, and the surrounding country afforded a very pleasing scene. As we were leaving the harbor the Mauritania* came in.

Later in the day the Mauritania caught up with, and passed us.

At 10.30 Services were held in the dining room. There is an orchestra on board and it plays very well. They give a little concert at 10.15 A.M. and at 8 P.M.
*The Mauretania was first launched in September 1906 and set the record for fastest transatlantic crossing in 1907, which it held for 22 years.
*The Mauretania was first launched in September 1906 and set the record for fastest transatlantic crossing in 1907, which it held for 22 years.
June 13, 1910 (Monday): (At sea)
We had another fine day. Am reading the “Last Days of Pompeii.” Every one seems to be enjoying themselves. [Ed posing with the same strangers on board.]

June 14, 1910 (Tuesday): (At sea)
The sea became quite rough during the day and there were a great many sea sick. Bro. Parkinson though not right sick hasn’t felt the best.
June 15, 1910 (Wednesday): (At sea)
The weather was worse to-day. There was a strong gale blowing from the N. West all day.
June 16, 1910 (Thursday): (At sea)
The wind is somewhat stronger than yesterday. We have lost a great deal of time and it will evidently be Monday before we land. I finished the “last days of Pompeii” Tuesday evening, “If I were King” yesterday and “Black Arrow” to-day.
June 17, 1910 (Friday): (At sea)
The heavy wind subsided some what during the day making it much more agreeable for some of the passengers.
June 18, 1910 (Saturday): (At sea)
The weather was quite warm during the day and also very calm. There was a concert held in the 2d saloon this evening. I read Rudyard Kipling’s “Kim” yesterday and to-day.
June 19, 1910 (Sunday): (At sea, New York)
This after-noon we saw a whale. About 4 P.M. we saw the first sign of land. The ship docked at 8.45 P.M. [Below, the ship Cedric docked in New York.] We stay a’board to-night.
The sea became quite rough during the day and there were a great many sea sick. Bro. Parkinson though not right sick hasn’t felt the best.
June 15, 1910 (Wednesday): (At sea)
The weather was worse to-day. There was a strong gale blowing from the N. West all day.
June 16, 1910 (Thursday): (At sea)
The wind is somewhat stronger than yesterday. We have lost a great deal of time and it will evidently be Monday before we land. I finished the “last days of Pompeii” Tuesday evening, “If I were King” yesterday and “Black Arrow” to-day.
June 17, 1910 (Friday): (At sea)
The heavy wind subsided some what during the day making it much more agreeable for some of the passengers.
June 18, 1910 (Saturday): (At sea)
The weather was quite warm during the day and also very calm. There was a concert held in the 2d saloon this evening. I read Rudyard Kipling’s “Kim” yesterday and to-day.
June 19, 1910 (Sunday): (At sea, New York)
This after-noon we saw a whale. About 4 P.M. we saw the first sign of land. The ship docked at 8.45 P.M. [Below, the ship Cedric docked in New York.] We stay a’board to-night.

June 20, 1910 (Monday): (New York)
We went on shore at 7.30 A.M. and had our baggage examined then went up town to the Markwell hotel and got a room. We then went to 126th St., where the elders live and got our ticket for Chicago. This afternoon we did some shopping then went out to Coney Island.
June 21, 1910 (Tuesday): (New York)
We took the up town sight seeing auto this fore-noon and saw the million air row and all the houses on 5th Ave. as far down as about 85th St. Then we went into Central Park and came out at the end on 110th St. thence out to Grant’s Tomb.
We went on shore at 7.30 A.M. and had our baggage examined then went up town to the Markwell hotel and got a room. We then went to 126th St., where the elders live and got our ticket for Chicago. This afternoon we did some shopping then went out to Coney Island.
June 21, 1910 (Tuesday): (New York)
We took the up town sight seeing auto this fore-noon and saw the million air row and all the houses on 5th Ave. as far down as about 85th St. Then we went into Central Park and came out at the end on 110th St. thence out to Grant’s Tomb.

Here we stopped and visited the interior. We then returned to Broadway and 23rd by way of Riverside Drive and Broadway. This afternoon we took the down town ride, visiting the Acquarium on our way. We went through lower Broadway, Battery Park, Wall St. and the Bowery, seeing among other things [Lafayette Monument below] the place where Washington delivered his inauguration address. We visited the mission head quarters again this evening.

June 22, 1910 (Wednesday): (New York)
We went over to Brooklyn this fore-noon to visit Bro. Joseph Parkinson, A.H. P’s. uncle. He is laboring in Brookly at present and he’s got his family here. We ate dinner there and spent a good part of the afternoon with them. We went to visit the Navy Yard, but got there too late to get in. So we sat down in a park and talked for some time. On our way home Bro. P. and I went to a show.
June 23, 1910 (Thursday): (New York, Washington, D.C.)
Late last night we discovered that we should have left for Washington at 6.50 P.M. yesterday, in order to be able to use our tickets, so this morning we had to have them changed. We also had our trunks transferred to the B&O Station. We left New York at 11.50 A.M. and after a very hot ride arrived in Washington at 5:50 P.M. We took a room at the Arlington.
June 24, 1910 (Friday): (Washington, D.C.)
Bro. Parkinson and I went to congressman Howell who is A.H.P’s cousin and secretary to the congressman. He took us over to the capitol where we met Claud and saw both Congress and the Senate in session. There are a great many pictures and statues of interest. A picture that impressed me very much, one of the halls, intitled “Westward Ho.” We then went through the Congressional Library. This building [see below] is the finest piece of work I have seen.
We went over to Brooklyn this fore-noon to visit Bro. Joseph Parkinson, A.H. P’s. uncle. He is laboring in Brookly at present and he’s got his family here. We ate dinner there and spent a good part of the afternoon with them. We went to visit the Navy Yard, but got there too late to get in. So we sat down in a park and talked for some time. On our way home Bro. P. and I went to a show.
June 23, 1910 (Thursday): (New York, Washington, D.C.)
Late last night we discovered that we should have left for Washington at 6.50 P.M. yesterday, in order to be able to use our tickets, so this morning we had to have them changed. We also had our trunks transferred to the B&O Station. We left New York at 11.50 A.M. and after a very hot ride arrived in Washington at 5:50 P.M. We took a room at the Arlington.
June 24, 1910 (Friday): (Washington, D.C.)
Bro. Parkinson and I went to congressman Howell who is A.H.P’s cousin and secretary to the congressman. He took us over to the capitol where we met Claud and saw both Congress and the Senate in session. There are a great many pictures and statues of interest. A picture that impressed me very much, one of the halls, intitled “Westward Ho.” We then went through the Congressional Library. This building [see below] is the finest piece of work I have seen.

After seeing Washington I feel that an American is almost a traitor who comes last with out paying the capital city a visit. We went over to Bro. Howell’s office again and he invited us to dinner. We went over to go up the Washington Monument but it was too late so we stopped and watched a game between the Post Office and the Agriculture department teams. We met Claud Geo. P. and his brother Parley who has just entered West Point and also Nick Morgan at the Arlington then went out to supper together. We also went to a vaudeville show. [See the Andrew Jackson Monument below]

June 25, 1910 (Saturday): (Washington, D.C.)
We went to the Congressman’s office this morning and he took us to visit the President. After shaking hands with Pres. Taft we went through the White House visiting the dining room, said to be the most artistic in the country, the Red room, the Blue room, Recpion hall and the east room. We left Mr. Howell here and visited the Washinton Monument, going to the top. I was some what disappointed in our visit to the building of printing and engraving, not from what we saw, but from what we didn’t see. Our guide hurried us in to a big room where the green backs were printed and hurried us out again and that finished it. After dinner we rode out to Mt. Vernon on the car.
We went to the Congressman’s office this morning and he took us to visit the President. After shaking hands with Pres. Taft we went through the White House visiting the dining room, said to be the most artistic in the country, the Red room, the Blue room, Recpion hall and the east room. We left Mr. Howell here and visited the Washinton Monument, going to the top. I was some what disappointed in our visit to the building of printing and engraving, not from what we saw, but from what we didn’t see. Our guide hurried us in to a big room where the green backs were printed and hurried us out again and that finished it. After dinner we rode out to Mt. Vernon on the car.

Our visit there proved very interesting. At six o’clock we heard the Marine Band concert on the lawn south of the White House. We met Geo. and Parley Parkinson at the Hotel at 8 P.M. and we went to the Capitol and watched Congress adjourn. They adjourned at 11 P.M.
June 26, 1910 (Sunday): (Washington, D.C.)
We took a walk this fore-noon and saw Pres. Taft ride by in an Auto, going to church. Before leaving we went to Mr. Howell’s office and said good bye to him and Geo. P. Our train left at 1.22 P.M. for Chicago.
June 27, 1910 (Monday): (Chicago)
We arrived in Chicago at 9.30 A.M. and got a room at the Majestic. I visited the ticket office to find out the party with whom we go to Salt Lake and found that they will be here Wednesday. We took a walk this after-noon and this evening saw Mary Mannering at the jarrick in “A Man’s World.” I enjoyed it very much.
June 28, 1910 (Tuesday): (Chicago)
We met Elders A. Robinson and Bullen this morning and also Wilford Young (son of J. W. Young) who lives in Chicago. We went thru the Swift Packing Co. and also the Libby Food products Co. On our way to the Stock Yards [below]

Mr. Young told me about Zan and Olive living in town, so after dinner I went to Kimball and Sherman’s office and Dan (H.W.S.) Sherman took me out to supper at their home. Paul Kimball came to supper, but Olive was unable to come on account of being unwell. I spent the evening with them.
June 29, 1910 (Wednesday): (Chicago)
I met Olive down town to-day. This after-noon we went thru the Marshall Field Department Store. Bro. Robinson and I went to see Thos. W. Ross in the “Fortune Hunter” at the Olympic. It is a splendid show.
June 29, 1910 (Wednesday): (Chicago)
I met Olive down town to-day. This after-noon we went thru the Marshall Field Department Store. Bro. Robinson and I went to see Thos. W. Ross in the “Fortune Hunter” at the Olympic. It is a splendid show.
The journal ends there.
I love that he shook President Taft's hand! It makes me smile that he could write it so nonchalantly, without even a comment, as if he were shaking his neighbor's uncle's hand.