Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Red-Headed Woodpecker - Patsy Pond Nature Trail, North Carolina

I visited my son in Chapel Hill, North Carolina while my other son from New York was also there visiting. We drove southeast from Chapel Hill toward the Atlantic Coast to Patsy Pond Nature Trail ("Patsy Pond") about 170 miles and a 3 hour drive. Patsy Pond is in the Croatan National Forest and located near Croatan High School off Hwy 24 between Cape Carteret and Morehead City. It is quite close to the Bogue Sound which is protected by a barrier island known as Emerald Isle, one of the Outer Banks. 

Patsy Pond has several trails and I think we did a combination of all three, starting on the green .75 mile trail, then switching to the orange 1.9 mile trail, then switching to the blue 1.75 mile travel before coming out on the green trail. We never did see Patsy Pond, the largest water feature, but we saw some smaller ones. It goes through an area called the Longleaf Pine Flat Woods which is longleaf pines with herbs and shrubs in the understory. There are only 3.3 million acres of longleaf pine forest remaining in the U.S. out of the original 90 million acres along the eastern and gulf coasts. There are small ponds that get their water supply from the ground and are dark with tannic acid from peat, which is decaying matter and pine needles. 

The most exciting find for me was the red-headed woodpecker, the first ones I've ever seen. The red-headed woodpecker has a black back and tail, a white belly and rump and a red head and neck. 
The black wings have white secondary remiges. Males and females are identical and juveniles have brownish gray heads. They keep food caches, like our California acorn woodpeckers. They are very distinctive and stand out like they are wearing florescent clothing while standing on the sides of the pine trees. I saw three of them. 

I saw a couple of Canada geese in a small pond. 
I also saw an eastern bluebird, only the second one I've ever seen. 
My sons were primarily interested in carnivorous plants which I spent less time looking at because of my interest in looking for woodpeckers, including the endangered red-cockaded woodpecker which is found there, but which we did not see. Trees marked with white bands by the U.S. Forest Service, which are quite prevalent, have nest cavities for the red-cockaded woodpecker, but no lock that day.
The tree in the background to the far right is marked with a white band, but the woodpecker is a red-headed woodpecker. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

William and Margery Cannon Hawaiian Mission Journal: 1947 to 1948 (Part 1)

My parents, William W. Cannon and Margery S. Cannon, served an LDS mission to the Hawaiian Islands in the years 1947 to 1948, shortly after they were married. My father and mother both kept journals which I've transcribed, as well as letters they sent and recieved, and then I've added footnotes. I transcribed these items over ten years ago and decided to wait until after my mother died (my father died before she did) to make it public. My mother died at age 97 late last year. I am carving this up into about 20 page segments. 


             The initial journal entries of William W. Cannon, also known as Bill, are in a bound leather book with pages marked up to 290 (each page number is pre-stamped in the top left-hand corner of each left page and the top right-hand corner of each right page). The entry for April 15, 1947 starts on page 1[1] and the last entry is for December 31, 1948 and is on page 205. The first (unnumbered) page reads:

Wm. W. & Margery Cannon
April 15, 1947 - October 25, 1948 - (MARGE)”

 On page 297 is “Record of Ordinances Performed.”

Date       Name                                          Place                              Ordinance
 8/31/47      Joseph Kaihe                                 Wailuku, Branch                  Ordained Priest
 12/7/47      Michael Melville Cannon             Wailuku, Branch                  Blessed
 3/14/48      Clinton Makekau                          Wailuku, Branch                  Ordained Teacher
 3/28/48      Clarence Robt. Poole                    Wailuku, Branch                  Confirmed
 6/6/48        Darrel Paul Kimo Christian          Kapaa, Branch                     Blessed
 6/26/48      Kauai[2]                                        Kilauea Camp                     Marriage
 6/27/48      Palama (NM)[3]                           Koloa Dist., Nomilo Beach Marriage
 7/4/48        Gwendolyn Noelani Reis              Kapaa Branch                     Blessed
 7/21/48      Jose Billedo                                  Kapaa Branch                     Ord. Elder
 8/3/48        George Kodama (NM)                 Kalihi-Kai Branch               Marriage
 8/20/48      Engacin F. Apilado (NM)            Kilauea                                Marriage
 8/21/48      David R. Harbottle (NM Honolulu)   Kapaa Branch               Marriage
 8/25/48      Wm. Montgomery                       Kapaa                                  Ord. Teacher
 9/15/48      Kai On Soong                              Kapaa                                  Ord. Priest
 10/11/48    Thomas Loubet Sheldon             Kapaa                                   Confirmed
 10/11/48    Marilyn Valdez                           Kapaa                                   Confirmed
 11/1/48      Lillian Kauuku (M)[4]                Honolulu Kalihi                  Marriage
 11/3/48      June Marie Husmann (NM)        Honolulu - Tab                    Marriage
 11/17/48    Simeon Bautista Jr.                     Mauna Loa Molokai          Confirmed
 11/21/48    Helene Nahealani Han                Hoolehua                           Blessed
 2/11/49      Charles Ernest Hiers (NM)         Honolulu - Tab                  Marriage
 2/24/49      Alice Chiquita McMaster           Honolulu - Tab                  Baptized
 3/16/49      Ethel Leinaala Pana (M) (Paia)  Honolulu - Tab                  Marriage
 [3/19/49                                                        Honolulu - Tab                  Marriage]


            Margery S. Cannon, also known as Marg or Margery, kept a journal for a short period of time. It is 9 ¾ by 6 ½  inches, bound in a tan and black cover with "RECORD" on the front. It contains 200 lined pages. The first page has "My Mission" written toward the top center, and "Margery S. Cannon" to the bottom right and "Hawaii" underneath that. The first 61 pages are hand-numbered in the top, right-hand corner. She wrote continuously for 44 pages, covering April 25, 1947 to June 29, 1947. She skipped 5 pages, then wrote on two more under the heading, "How To Rear Children in the Atomic Age". Later pages have been scribbled on by a child with purple ink.


            Many of the letters written by Bill and Marg, primarily to their parents, were saved and are included.


            This collection of journals and letters was put together by Robert W. Cannon, also known as Bob, the son of Bill and Marg. In the footnotes or formatting, a reference to “I” or “me” is a reference to Bob and a reference to “Dad” or “Mom” is a reference to Bill and Marg. Bill’s parents were Edwin Q. Cannon and Luella W. Cannon. In the footnotes, they may be referred to as “Grandfather Cannon” and “Grandmother Cannon” which is from the standpoint of Bob. Marg’s parents were Horace A. Sorensen and Ethel M. Sorensen. In the footnotes, they may be referred to as “Pop” and “Tutu” which is from the standpoint of Bob.

 April 15, 1947 (Tuesday):

[Dad’s Journal]

We left Salt Lake with all of our baggage packed snuggily in the back of our 1933 Plymouth[5] and that day we drove to Wendover. Earlier in the day the family’s met at the church office building, where we were set apart by Spencer W. Kimball, of the Council of the Twelve,[6] and we later had lunch in the Empire Room of the Hotel Utah. Preston Nibley presented us with his new book - Three Witnesses of the Book of Mormon.

 April 16, 1947 (Wednesday):

[Dad’s Journal]

Had a break down caused by universal joints of drive shaft giving way - traveled 23 miles into Battle Mountain, Nevada with car shaking terrifically. Was partially fixed by a drunk mechanic there, and this took us 120 miles into Lovelock where another mechanic had to re-do all the work. Stayed night in Reno, Nevada.

 [A post card from Battle Mountain, Nevada addressed to Tutu.]

 Dear Pa & Ma

 Going through Battle Mountain, Nevada.  Pray for us.

The Kids

xo  xo


 April 17, 1947 (Thursday):

[Dad’s Journal]

Drove from Reno into San Francisco - car made Donner pass without any trouble and then seemed to gain momentum as we approached San Francisco. We drove right to Matson line office and there found that we were placed in separate rooms and were very discouraged and so we went out to see President Ellsworth[7] of the California Mission to see if he could do anything for us - we got assurance that everything would be alright. He also got us reservations for the night at the Federal Hotel on Market Street.

[A hand written letter from Mom to Grandmother and Grandfather Cannon.]

Dear Folks,

            We arrived this afternoon safely and soundly.  Yesterday about this time, however, I was beginning to get pretty doubtful whether we would see the Golden Gate.  While we were traveling over a bumpy road between Elko and Battle Mt’n, the Green Thing developed some deep rumblings in the mechanism, and it sounded to me like it was in the transmission -- we struggled along 23 miles to Battle Mt’n and every minute I thought was our last as far as travel was concerned.

            The only garage in town had a mechanic that was too drunk to see straight and to say the least, it had us worried.  He did manage to figure out what was wrong -- the universal joints on the drive shaft had worn out causing a lot of play in it and consequently the rumbling.  He fixed it up as best he could to the tune of $28, and we drove another painful 100 miles or so into Lovelock, where we stopped at a Plymouth repair shop, and they just happened to have the required parts. The man there fixed it up and had to undo everything that the drunk had done.  From Lovelock into Reno, it was actually a pleasure to drive because of the improvement.  We stayed all night in Reno.

This morning the chug buggy took Donner Pass in its stride, and in spite of the load, we only shifted into 2nd once and we passed other much newer cars up that were boiling, and we then rolled right along into San Francisco. 

There is a small chance that the car will be put on the Matson, otherwise it will go over on a Freighter next week.  When we went to the Matson Line Office, we learned that we were put in separate cabins on the ship, and they said due to the influx of travelers, they couldn’t change it. This upset us, and so the only channel I could think of to turn to was to the mission home, Pres Ellsworth tried to get us on a clipper and tried to do something to change the situation, but all he could do was find out that we could go to the Purser at sailing time, and in case of any default of reservation, we could possibly get ours changed then -- here’s hoping.

Pres. Ellsworth also was able to get us a reservation for tonight in this small but clean Federal Hotel.

            Pray for us we’ll need it --

            Feeling fine otherwise.


Marg and Bill

[A telegram.]




[A hand written letter from Mom addressed to Tutu and Pop delivered in an envelope with these words written on the top of the back side, “This one will tear your heart out--“. It was written at 10:00PM.]

 Dear Mom and Dad,

We got in today about 2:00.  23 miles before Battle Mt., Nevada, we started hearing a rattle in the transmission.  We went about 15 miles per hour and when we got in B.M. found a garage.  The mechanic had been up all night the night before and was half drunk.  (3/4 would be closer to the truth.)  Well, it was the drive shaft joints that were worn.  Well for $1800 and a $1000 buck tip he patched it up so that we could go on to a better place.  We got off in the afternoon feeling pretty lucky.  We drove into Lovelock on prayers and found a garage.  The man had to take the shaft out and fix it all over again.  Another 1800 but this time it ran like a top.  We finally got to Reno last night.  Today the little buggy took Donner Pass without even steaming.  We got in here and in good time and went for our tickets.  We discovered that 3 of their ships are being converted and there’s only 1 every 2 weeks.  So Bill was booked in a room with 2 other Elders and I was in another room with 2 unknown women.  And on the E deck.  Well, I was ready to come home.  We went out to see the mission Pres. and he phoned.  They said that the last ship had 4 berths unused and that if we talk to the purser tomorrow we have a 50 to 50 chance of being changed.  Well, we thought of taking the Clipper but they’re booked a couple of months in advance.  So there’s nothing to do now but go.  Those women will love me trotting to the John every hour in the night and munching dry crackers to stay well.  The Pres of the mission is German Ellsworth.  He nearly passed out when he found out we didn’t have hotel reservations.  So he got us these luckily.  It’s not a new hotel but very clean and it looks mighty welcome. Well, so much for the bad news - Here’s something better. 

 We went to the Manager and had a 7 course dinner tonight. 1. Horsd-houvres? 2. soup 3. fillet of sole 4. spaghetti 5. green salad 6. fillet steak or chicken 7. ice cream.  Boy! was it a meal. Then we went for a walk down to Chinatown.  Almost bought me a Kimono but it was $4500 so hesitated.  I didn’t bring one in my small case and the others’ on the ship so I guess I’ll have to tell those “women” that my garments are “longies” to keep me warm.

Maybe this is one of those humorous experiences that we’ll laugh about when we give out return home talks.

Don’t mind the hen tracks. I’m writing this on the sheet in bed.

Well, at least we’re on the same ship and as yet it isn’t foggy.

The Kids

And our bellies are full.
 April 18, 1947 (Friday):

[Dad’s Journal]

Went sightseeing in San Francisco, and sailed on S. S. Matsonia at 5:00 p.m. Sister Spafford and Simonsen of the Relief Society were aboard along with Elders Laycock and Russon going to Hawaiian Mission and Elders Hill, Lundgren, Lloyd, Carson and Welch of Central Pacific Mission.[8]

April 19, 1947 (Saturday):

[A hand written letter from Mom to Tutu and Pop.]

Dear Folks,

As yet neither one of us have tasted of sea sickness, and let me tell you, we have had some pretty rough weather too.  Last night the wind came up very strongly and the old ship was tossed about just about like a cracker box -- during that time we sat through a movie trying to keep our minds off ourselves.  Every once in a while through the show, you’d see someone get up and make a B line for the door, and a good many of the people were sick.  I particularly noticed one older women holding, or hugging I should say, a pillar for dear life waiting for the elevator to come up and get her.  Only one of the 7 missionaries aboard was sick however.  We both slept like logs last night, and this sea air has given us tremendous appetites.

This morning we were informed that several of the passengers didn’t show up, and so they arranged it so that we could have a room together. And so in answer to prayer, everything is hunky dorry.

April 20, 1947 (Sunday):

[A telegram from Magnolia and Pop through “The Western Union Telegraph Company.”]

Your telegram of April 17, 1947 to Mr and Mrs William W Cannon at Federal Hotel San Francisco Calif is undelivered for the following reason: returned by hotel advising had checked out.

If you have occasion to correct the address originally supplied, please call 4--4341 and ask for EXT 15.

The Western Union Telegraph Company

 April 23, 1947 (Wednesday):

[Dad’s Journal]

On board ship - enjoyed trip immensely - food was marvelous - slept wonderfully and it was a complete rest. Neither of us had any sea sickness, although the water was very rough the first day and night out. The second day out we were placed in a cabin together. Arrived in Honolulu at 9:00 A.M. and were greeted by a mixed chorus, and the Royal Hawaiian Band playing “Aloha Oe” - a very thrilling experience. Were also greeted by George Q. Cannon,[9] wife Irene and daughter Mary Jean. They let us take their car and we drove all over Honolulu and area. Went up to the Pali, Royal Hawaiian Hotel, and the Tabernacle. In the evening we went out to their beach and had a fine dinner. Several couples were there including Chauncey Cannon,[10] wife Florence and daughter Connie. Rushed in from party in George Q’s auto, and barely caught the Steamer bound for Kahului Maui. Pleasant night aboard.

April 24, 1947 (Thursday):

[Dad’s Journal]

Arrived in Kahului at 7:00 A.M. and were met by Pres. Castle H. Murphy[11] and we were worried not knowing what his attitude would be with regards to the coming of the baby. He drove us in his car up to mission headquarters in Wailuku, and we had a fine visit with him and his wife. We were very much impressed and relieved especially after we heard of his attitude toward having children in the field. He assigned us to a home in Waihee,[12] 5 miles out of Wailuku. He also asked us to join him in conference at Hilo over the week end and we were pleased at that. The home in Waihee is very nice and Elder and Sister Cheney and Elders Bennett[13] and Neeley comprise our housemates. We picked up our trunks and found out that we had brought too much with us and so we sorted through everything and were able to fill one trunk with things that we would not use - in preparation for sending it home.
April 25, 1947 (Friday):

[Dad’s Journal]

Flew from Maui to Hilo and during evening attended dinner given in honor of Pres. and Sis. Murphy[14] in Hilo Hotel. We were assigned to Hilo Mission Home during our stay.

 [Mom’s Journal]

            One week after arriving in Hawaii we took the plane from Maui to Hilo, Hawaii for their island conference. Elder Bennett took us to the field where we met Sister Gretta Croft who went over with us. We landed at 3:40 after a rough trip and were met by Pres. and Sister Murphy. They drove us to the Mission home and we were given a room to use during our stay. In the evening we went to one of the basketball games.

 [A hand written letter from Dad to Grandmother and Grandfather Cannon.]

            We arrived in Honolulu Wed. morning on time at 9:00 A.M., and never in my life have I seen anything like the welcome that we received.  The royal Hawaiian Band was out to meet us along with a mixed chorus, and as we went through a line ashore, they struck up aloha, and it was all I could do to hold back the tears.  George Q., Irene, and their little girl were down there to meet us, and when we came down the long plank, they draped these beautiful flower lei’s over us.  We then learned that we would have to come over to Wailuku on the Island of Maui, and the boat was leaving that night at 10:00 P.M.  George Q. had our time all planned out for us -- he let us take their car, and we drove all around Honolulu and saw the sights -- the tabernacle (a beautiful structure), the Royal Hawaiian Hotel, Waikiki Beach, the Pali, Punch Bowl etc.  After that, in the afternoon, they took us out to their beach where we ate a big hearty dinner -- they had invited Chauncey, Florence, and Connie, and so we all had a fine visit.  Seems strange that sons of all your mother’s sons should meet in the islands like that Pop.  We rushed to catch the boat, and it was an all night journey in a slow sloop over choppy water to Maui.  We arrived here yesterday morning at 7:00 A.M.  Pres. Murphy was there to meet us, and he drove us in his car up to Wailuku.  I was a bit apprehensive, and didn’t know what to expect.  He showed a deep interest in us, and was pleased to know that Marg was pregnant.  He assigned us to a beautiful little home a number of miles outside of Wailuku -- there is another married missionary couple here, and two elders -- these are the best accommodations in the mission I understand.  Yesterday afternoon Pres. Murphy called and asked us to go over to Hilo, Hawaii with him to attend a conference with the Relief Society people from Salt Lake.  He wanted us to be able to go to one before Marg gets too far along.  And it will be quite an opportunity.  He said that it would cost us about $40, but I am thrilled about it, and so we are leaving by plane this afternoon at 2:30 and we’ll stay about four days.  I wish with all my heart that Pres. Murphy were going to remain here.

I went with two other elders to pick up our trunks yesterday and we had such a time that I determined then to get rid of one of them, and after seeing the conditions here we are going to travel much lighter.  We are shipping all our linen and sheets and household things home, and I am sending my 2 heavy wool suits, my navy rain coat -- because it is to heavy and the wrong color (black -- I would suffocate) -- The reason I am sending the two heavy suits is that it is way to warm and damp to wear them -- and we were told that it would never get cold enough to wear them.  And so yesterday I went in and got a tropical worsted suit of beautiful material for $45.00 which is about as cheap as home, and so I’ll be able to get along fine with those 3 suits now.  I am also sending my felt hat home in the trunk -- I got a straw hat, about the only one that would fit me on the island.  When the trunk arrives could you take out the suits because it is so damp that they might accumulate enough moisture to mildew if left long.  The trunk will be there in a couple of weeks I imagine.

We may need a little more money because of the initial outlay -- I haven’t yet paid for the car -- and I don’t know what it will come to -- (it is coming by freighter -- should be here in a week or so). I am saving $100 for it and I hope that will be enough.  By the way they have Shell and Standard service stations here. Is it all right if I use the credit card Pop?

Throughout the mission we’ll be renting from the Church -- at $6 per month and so our expenses can be kept pretty low -- travel will be the expensive item and food and laundry are very high.  We are told that the average cost is $55 to $60 per month per missionary. 

More Later --


Bill and Marg

Address our mail box 591, Wailuku, Maui, T.H. (P.S. send stationary please mom.

Let Uncle Tom hear about George and Irene -- Love to all the family.

 [Hand written letter from Mom to Tutu and Pop. A note to Tutu contained this message at the top of the letter:]

Did you remember Pat Rice’s wedding present?  Thanks!

Dear Mom and Dad,We arrived in Honolulu on time, Friday, and were met by Irene and George Cannon.  He has all the milk interests tied up here and is rolling in money.  (Dr. Wm. Cannon’s son) They had a beautiful gardenia and another pink carnation lei for both of us.  Then the missionaries there gave us one so we had 3 apiece.  Some people had about 15 on.  Sisters Spafford and Simmonson did.  (Thats’ Winona’s mother)  The Cannons let us take one of their cars and and we went sightseeing.  You should see the Royal Hawaiian hotel.  $1400 a day is the cheapest room.  It looks like a castle.  Then they invited us to a beach part that night and we met Chauncy and Florence Cannon among others.  Then at 10:00 that night we took the little interisland ship to Maui where the mission headquarters are.  got there the next morning and Pres. Murphy was there to meet us.  We had a long talk with him and he seemed very impressed with us.  He took us out with him to see the new mission home they’re planning to buy and then he sent us to the best mission home branch on the island.  Its just been all newly painted 2 weeks ago. We’re here with a couple about 24 yrs. old (Bro and Sis Cheney) and 2 other elders - Bennett and Neeley who was a Sig with Bill at the U.  We’re such a way from any towns but we have a wonderful view of the ocean on one side and a beautiful green hill on the other complete with cool breezes.  We two women do the cooking and the men do dishes.  They have a mission car and so we can go into town for groceries and into the mission home headquarters.  We don’t know yet what we’ll be doing.  Pres Murphy is very impressed with Bills’ schooling and background.  (This was the island on which Geo. Q. cannon did his work and translated the Book of M. into Hawaiian)  Bill told him I was very good with children so maybe something there.  We’ll probably do some tracting and that’s going to be wonderful.  Bro. and Sis. Cheney have been here 10 mo. and have been working together all the time so I hope Pres Wesley Smith will be as kind.  Pres. Murphy leaves for home in a mo.

 Irene gave me the name of the two best doctors here but I may not go to any for a while.

Pres. Murphy and Sis. M. left yesterday for the island of Hawaii for a conference and invited us to go too.  So we leave today at 2:30 on the plane (45 min. ride), It’s costing us $4000 each.  I’m preg so I’ll miss the fall one and so this is our last chance at one for a while.  The elders here said we’ll probably be asked to speak (500 people in attendance.)  We’ll be gone 5 days.  Scarce things at home are very easy to get here.  Sugar isn’t rationed so I’m sending our books home.  Prices are quite high so we’ll need about $5500 a mo. each.  We’ve found a million things we won’t need here so we’re sending Dads’ big trunk home (full). Cannons will get it.  Could you send us that old suitcase or something.  We’ll need an extra suitcase now.  The address is.

                                  Box 591 - Wailuku, Maui

                                  (TH) territory Hawaii

Send the dividend as soon as it comes.  Could you call the post office and have my magizines come to you and then as soon as I can I’ll write and have them hold off for 2 yrs.  We may be moving around here and it will be hard to get them.

I’m sending a post card to Maynard there.  He may have moved by now so if you would please send it on to him.Nothing but cotton, cripe or jersey or linen dresses here.  I’m keeping my suit because I’ll need it occasionally.  No hats or gloves and no coats.  We must wear hose every day however,  I have plenty for now.  Bill is sending his felt hat home and he bought him a straw.  We don’t need linen so that’s going home too.

Butter is $100 a lb. - was $125. Eggs are 90 cents a doz - were a 135.  Milk is 25 cents a gl. and you can’t buy it so we use canned milk and it works fine.  Pineapple is 2 cents a lb.  We have a small garden here and have papaya fruit, some carrots, beans, few potatoes and cabbage.  Haven’t tried raw fish or poi yet.

We heard from a reliable source that the song “Aloha” always sung here was written by Queen Liliuokalani for George Q. Cannon.  His name is famous here and he’s practically a God to these people.You should have seen the 2 inch spider we killed in our kitchen yesterday.  And they have cockroaches that fly about 2 ½ inches long.  Lots of lizards too; There’s so much news but I have to rush so we’ll write later.  This letter is a mess but we’re in a terrible hurry to catch the plane.

All my love.


We’re both feeling wonderful and happy. Thanks again for everything.  We’re thankful for our super parents.
April 26, 1947 (Saturday):

[Hand written letter from Mom and Dad to Grandmother and Grandfather Cannon from Hilo, Hawaii:]

 Dear Folks,              

We made the plane just in time.  A sister Croft went with us.  She used to teach Social Studies at East High.  She’s made 28 plane trips (inter-island) and she said our trip was the roughest she’s made.  It certainly was bouncing but, I had a grand trip anyway.  We’re staying at the Hilo Mission Home with 5 elders.  Last night we went to a banquet in honor of Bro and Sis Murphy.  It was wonderful.  Hawaiian hula dancers and singing.  They made a big fuss over our arrival in the field.  One of the Hawaiian sisters gave me a corsage of tiny white orchids and two small purple ones.

They’re having contests today - singing, basketball, soccer, dancing, etc.  Then tomorrow they’ll hold the meetings.

We’ve been hearing about some of the things we’ll probably do.  Tracting won’t be bad and teaching the young people in Religious Education Classes won’t be bad, but giving sermons in meetings scares the pudding right out of me. 
 Bro and Sis Cheney and the two elders at Maui (m`oui`e) had an experience a couple of days before we arrived.  They were called to administer to a 16 year old girl.  Elder Bennett finally ended up by rebuking an evil spirit that had taken her.  They said she was writhing and screaming but when he commanded it to leave her and said “in the name of Jesus Christ”, she just collapsed on the bed.  She’s weak but all right now. Hil`o is the next largest city to H`on`olulu.  It’s very green and pretty but its called the city of liquid sunshine because it rains about every half hour.

 I’m trying to lose weight and I think I am a little.  I’d like to get down to 130 if I can.

 We’ve eaten papaya and like it.  It grows on a tree in a bunch and tastes like ½ squash and ½ canteloupe.  Not looking forward to poi.  Avocados are everywhere and twice as big as we see.

 If you can round up some diapers you might send them in the suitcase.  But maybe it would be better to wait for them so we won’t have to haul them if we are moved.

 As I go along I’ll try to help you on some of these pronunciations.  Hilo- (H`EL`O) Wailuku- (W`y’Lookoo)  Honolulu- (H`on`oluLu) Maui- (Mowi`E n ‘Mowey) our little Branch is Waihee (Wah-`e-‘hay-`a)

 a is ah E is `a i is `e  It’s a lot like Spanish.  We’re gradually learning a few things. 

 finished is pau (POW)

 love (or hello or grettings) is aloha

 good bye is hui ho (Hooie h`o)

 thank you very much is mahalo nui (MA-‘HAl`O NEWiE)

 a white person or American is a hauli (HOW-Li`e)

 It’s a beautiful language and quite easy to pick up.

 Would you please write call the grandparents and give them the address.  I won’t have time to do much writing for a while.

 I got a journal today and I’m going to keep one up while I’m out here.

 I’ve been feeling fine.  Not even a touch of nausia since I left home.  It’s just 3 mo. now.

 We’ll surely hate to see the Murphy’s go.  They’ve been so good and understanding.  All the couples here have been together, babies or not. Well, see you in a few months.


Bill and Marg

 April 27, 1947 (Sunday):

[Dad’s Journal]

            Attended meetings of Island Conference. The first meeting alone was worth the trip - it was a testimony meeting of all the officers and missionaries of the Island. The leaders of the people have powerful faith. One of the local brothers invited all of the missionaries to dinner at Wo Chong’s Chinese restaurant - it must have cost him well over $100 to feed the group of about 35. The food was not to my taste, and I had a difficult time downing any of it. Afterwards we went to a drugstore and bought sandwiches to fill up the corners in our stomachs.

 April 28, 1947 (Monday):

[Dad’s Journal]

            Sis’s Spafford and Simonsen arrived in Hilo to have a meeting with local sisters. Attended meeting in evening and heard testimony of woman who was washed out to sea in the tidal wave and stayed afloat on a door for more than a day. She was saved from sharks by her garments.

 [Mom’s Journal]

            We have been attending some glorious conference sessions. A brother that has Negro blood in his family talked and pleaded with the people to attend to their temple work. A boy of 13 gave a talk on the building of our Salt Lake temple by the pioneers and was so filled with the Spirit that the tears ran down his cheeks during his whole talk. Another young boy was taking the part of Joseph Smith as a boy and was so humble and sincere in his part that he could hardly speak his lines. Sunday morning the missionaries had a testimony meeting with the Murphys. It was very impressive. Bill bore his testimony as did others and I felt the Spirit of our Heavenly Father more than I can ever remember. This one meeting made the whole trip worthwhile. One of the sweet sisters gave me a lovely corsage of tiny white orchids and another two small lavender ones. I can't cease to amaze at the abundance of these lovely flowers. In the Sunday evening meeting I was especially thrilled with four young primary children. They sang two songs very expertly in lovely four-part harmony. It was amazing! We also had a nice drive out to Sister Murray's home and saw her pineapple garden. But her malt mixer proved the most popular. This morning we were up at 6:00 prepared to meet again with Pres. Murphy at 7:00. After a friendly meeting we started to prepare breakfast. It was surely an unforgettable experience! I displayed my talent as a cook by making some doughy corn bread in an oven that wouldn't heat. I put some oatmeal mush in to cook and burned a good sized hole in the bottom of the double boiler when it boiled dry, and consequently I burned the mush. The elders will never forget! After a lunch on string-beans at $.35 a can - and poi I redeemed myself by making a very tasty chocolate cake with coconut shredded on the top. At 2:00 I went next door to the chapel to help Sister Myers in her Religious Ed. Class. I told them about our trip to the Navajo Indian country and a little of George Q. Cannon. Tonight at the Relief Society meeting of conference she gave me a lovely huge orchid. Sister Spafford, President of the General Board of R.S. and Sister Simmonson were the speakers. After the meeting we went to the Amusement Hall for a program of lovely Hawaiian music and songs. These people in Hilo have captured our hearts with their simple charm and faith and I love them as much as if they were haoli. Tomorrow we are off to visit the points of interest on the island with Sisters Murray, Spafford, Simmonson and ourselves.

 [A hand written letter from Dad to Grandmother and Grandfather Cannon.]

Dear Mom and Pop,

            I wish that you could have been in attendance at this conference -- one meeting was well worth the money that was and will be spent in making the trip.  Friday and Saturday were spent in M. I. A. contests of speech, dance, sports, etc, -- and they were very effective in stimulating group spirit.  Fri. night we went to a banquet in honor of Pres. and Sis. Murphy consisting of Haole (Howli) food (white man’s food) and it was delicious, and we felt honored to be invited to that.

            Yesterday morning, our first meeting started at 7:00 A.M. and consisted of a testimony meeting of the district officers and the missionaries -- never in my life have I attended such a meeting -- this alone was worth coming for.  These Hawaiian people bear a strong and simple testimony and you can see that they obviously know the truth of this work.  Their faith is like that of a little child, and as Pres. Murphy says they are the children of Israel, with the emphasis upon children.  The faith promoting experiences that they tell are miraculous.  Out of the tidal wave a year ago now came a couple of them -- a brother Ching, a Chinese Saint has a store on the water front, very lightly constructed like most bldgs. here -- when he saw the wave coming he went up and told the Lord not to take his place, and he said that he was sure that it would be saved -- he never doubted -- the wave opened up and it ripped bldgs out all around his, and his wasn’t touched a bit.  We went down and saw it, and it is the only bldg standing around for blocks.  The Pres of Relief Society -- a Hawaiian women, was in bed when it hit -- her home was swept out into the ocean and she found herself floating on a door (since they have found out that a door won’t hold a person up in the water, but it did) and she could hear sharks striking all around -- they ripped her clothes off -- everything except her garments, and they weren’t touched.  She said that she never doubted that she would be saved, and she wasn’t afraid.  She was on the door for over a day, and a freighter picked her up.  I could go on and relate others but I haven’t time.

            I am thrilled about being able to work with these people -- I can surely learn a lot.  At noon all of the missionaries were invited over to a Chinese restaurant where a Hawaiian couple was furnishing the lunch -- there were about 35 of us and it cost them $3 a plate -- just think of the kindness.  The only thing is -- all of the food was Chinese, and so very few of the missionaries could fill themselves up.  I’ve never had such a tough time eating in my life -- it was all I could do to swallow some things -- and others I just couldn’t -- we had to eat something or we could offend them.  I am surprised that I got away with as much as I did -- the only things I could eat with ease was rice and coconut.  Marg didn’t do quite so well.  After, we went down and bought a couple of sandwiches.

            Last night the final meeting was also very outstanding -- I wish you could hear these children sing four part harmony -- for a couple of numbers on the program they had a quartette of girls about 5 or 6 years old that sang some Hawaiian songs -- it was near perfect.  Also at that meeting we met Mrs. Leaven of the L.D.S. Bus. College -- she is leaving for home in a week or so and will get in touch with you she said.  All in all, we attended 9 hrs. of meetings yesterday.

            Yesterday afternoon, Pres. Murphy asked us if we would like to accompany Sis. Spafford and Simmonsen around the Island and of course we said yes -- that means we’ll visit all the volcanoes and it will be a fine trip.  They are arriving here this afternoon and we’ll have a special meeting with them here tonight. Immediately after the meeting we’ll stay upon the slopes of Mauna Loa -- where you need blankets.  We’ll get back in Hilo Wed. night, and leave for Maui on Thursday.  We surely have been fortunate and the Lord has been good to us.  Will have much more to tell later.

Love --

Bill and Marg

 [A postcard from Mom and Dad to Tutu and Pop.]

 Dear Mom and Dad,

             Would you please send me a set of those Bible pictures like the ones I used in my seminary notebook.  They’d come in handy here.  Has our Indian blanket arrived yet?  Send it when it comes.  Maybe I can talk about it.  We leave Hilo Monday and I suppose we’ll be put right to work.


Bill & Marg

 April 29, 1947 (Tuesday):

[Dad’s Journal]

            Traveled around the Island of Hawaii in car with Mrs. Ralph Murray, her daughter, Warya, Sis’s Spafford and Simonsen and ourselves. Visited Kilauea volcano and lava flows and saw many beautiful sights. Stayed all night in near waterless mission home in Kailua, Kona. Ate in famed Kona Inn.

April 30, 1947 (Wednesday):

[Dad’s Journal]

            Continued our trip around the Island - drove through Parker ranch - visited Akkaka Falls - where Marsden Durham[15] was killed, and there we were drenched by rain.

[Mom’s Journal]

            Tomorrow is May day and what a wonderful time for flowers. The past three days Sisters Spafford, Simmonson and Murray and Wanza Murray and myself have been wearing lovely orchids on our shoulders and almost any other bloom you could name in our hair. One can see the loveliest of flowers everywhere. The past two days we have been driving around the island of Hawaii in Sister Murray's car. We have seen the spacious green cane fields, Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea - the famous volcano craters - and the black barren lava flows. Last night we stayed at the Mission home in Kona. (A hideous huge banana spider clung in the corner of our bedroom all night but I was too tired to even care). Today we had a lovely drive along the coast and took a great many pictures. Laupahoehoe, a small peninsula, where the tidal wave last year did much damage and killed about 36 children and four teachers, was an interesting spot to see. Just before we arrived back to Hilo we went to see Akaka Falls where Marsden Durham was killed. The big fall is 420 feet high and breathtakingly beautiful. We got caught in a sudden downpour and my gray crepe suit shrunk considerably. When we got back to the Hilo Mission Home the elders were just sitting down to a dinner of beans. Delicious! After dinner we and the elders got into a long discussion on love and marriage. We decided it is the popular thing and is here to stay for a time. Nine bells and time to hit the sack. We're up at 7:00 tomorrow morning to catch the plane for Maui. Good Night!

[A letter from Mom to Tutu and Pop.]

Dear Mom and Dad,

            We just got home this afternoon from a trip around the island of Hawaii with Sister Murray and her daughter and sisters Spafford and Simmonson.  We left Hilo Tuesday morning early and stayed that night in a little mission home branch called Kona.  They just had a tank outside that filled up with water when it rained for all their water needs.  They went swimming in the ocean every day to bathe.  And their was a big banana spider up in one corner of our bedroom wall all night.  Ugh!  We surely are lucky to have such a wonderful mission home on Maui.  We leave for Maui tomorrow morning on the plane.   We’ve taken just rolls and rolls of wonderful slides.

            I’m very undecided as to what to do about the baby.  I should start before too long to have regular check-ups.  If we stay on Maui and I go in to Queens Hospital at Honolulu that means I’d have to fly in, (which is the cheapest) and back at least once a mo.  One way is $900.  And I doubt if I could go alone.  If we stay on Maui there’s a small hospital there but I don’t know what the conditions are.  There may be just Hawaiian doctors too.  But as I said before, I don’t know anything about it.  When I get back to Maui I’ll talk to Pres. Murphy and see what he suggests and I may even wait and see what Pres. Smith has to say when he arrives the first of June.  I really can’t see any need to hurry because I’m in fine condition.  They may even transfer us someplace where there’s a hospital - say here in Hilo.  By the way.  I’m just starting to be able to notice the baby.  In the morning when my stomach is empty and flat.  I can feel a nice hard mound.  So we’re coming along. 
             I made the missionaries a chocolate cake Monday with choc. frosting ½ inch thick and coconut on top.  I’m learning how to use a gas stove.

             We’re going on to take a shower now - the waters’ hot and we need it.

             By the way, we fly to Maui in the morning with the Relief Society - Simmonson and Spafford.

             Is canned condensed milk as good for you as fresh?

 Love Always-

Mother Cannon

 P.S. I may have you get me some more pills before too long.  Don’t need them yet, though.

 May 1, 1947 (Thursday):

[Dad’s Journal,]

            Flew from Hilo back to Maui with Sis’s Spafford and Simonsen - met at plane by Pres. and Sis. Murphy and they took us to Kaludin School to witness colorful May day or Lei day celebration. During the afternoon I studied for about 5 hours.

 [A hand written letter from Mom to Grandmother and Grandfather Cannon.]

Dear Ma ‘n Pa,

            This past week we’ve been in Hilo, Hawaii to a conference.  While we were there we took a trip around the island and saw all the sights with Sister Bell S. Spafford and Velma Simmonson.  They’re here for Relief Society, you know.  We took oodles of pictures and had a glorious time but we’re surely getting eager to get to work.  We flew over and back and neither of us were sick at all -- even though it was a very rough flight.

            You should see the friend we had in our bedroom all night at the Kona Mission home in Hawaii. It was a huge banana spider 3 inches long.  No fooling! 

            That’s exactly how big he was.  He came leaping after me and I just about had a baby.  And that isn’t all -- in the front room we had a little lizard on the window sill.  But we’re getting used to these things.  I use the word “things” in reference to 2 inch cockroaches too. 

            We happen to be very fortunate in living here in Waihee mission home.  It was just newly decorated and painted (completely) 3 weeks ago.  We have a grand new electric stove, a lovely view of the ocean and a canyon breeze.  What more could two happy missionaries ask for?  (Oh yes -- and we have each other).

            Today is May -- lei -- day and everyone is wearing leis or corsages.  Sister Ching gave me a beautiful baby -- orchid corsage with seven lilooms. They’re all spotted and a different color.

            We’re living here with a young couple 24 years old and two very nice elders.  Elder Neeley was a Sig[ma Chi] with Bill at school.  We women do the cooking and the elders do the dishes. They’ve gone out tonight to a May day program and party but we newly arrived ignorant missionaries are staying home to study.  So far I’ve written 3 and ½ letters.  Bill looks so busy that he makes me feel like a slacker -- but someone must keep up the spirits of our poor families at home.

            We’re both so happy we could pop!  And we’re looking forward to tracting, if you can imagine such a weird thing.  I’ve already taught -- or have been “guest speaker” at a Religious Education class in Hilo.  How’s that for an impressive beginning?

            Bill’s into the refrigerator so I’d better check up.

Love -- Aloha nui!

Bill and Marg

xo          xo

 P.S. We had some delicious turtle steaks for dinner -- and some not so delicious poi.

 [A hand written letter from Mom to Tutu from Waihee, Maui:]

 Dear Mom,

             I have several pairs of hose with runs.  I can’t get them fixed here so I’ll collect them and mail them home to be mended.  If that’s okay.  I could use a couple more pairs too if anyone asks about birthday or anything.  We have to wear hose every day and its pretty hard wear besides.  Be sure and get the long length and size 10.  I don’t want service weight, but something not so sheer.  Also if you can get a maternity girdle in a light weight.  I doubt if 2 can get me here. 

             I talked to Pres. Murphy and have decided to wait about a doctor until Smith comes.  He will probably move us anyway.

             We just got back from Hilo today.  When we left Sister Ching gave me a lovely corsage with 7 baby spotted orchids in it.  They were all differenct colors.

             Oh - would you please go to the Deseret Book and get me a Missionary Bible.  Bill has one and I need one too.  Send it as soon as you can.  I’ll surely appreciate it. 

             I’m writing this while I’m cooking some turtle steaks for dinner.  They look and smell delicous.  Made a chocolate cake in Hilo for the elders and they loved it.


            Dinner’s over and you should have tasted our turtle steak.  It was as tender as a filet mignon and so delicious.  It tastes a little like veal.  We ate baked breadfruit the other day but it’s a little too flat and sweet to suit me. 

             The others are going off to a May day program but we’re going to stay home and study and get some pressing done.

             It’s nice and cool tonight.  It’s been raining some and our little canyon here is sending down some breezes.  This is surely a wonderful place.

 Love always,

[1] Dad completed a book, Beachheads in Micronesia: A View of the Proselyting Efforts of Mormon Missionaries Who Followed the Liberating Campaigns of Military Forces of the United States in Micronesia  (hereafter “Beachheads”) in 1997. In it he referenced his first Hawaiian Mission several times. He prefaces his mission as follows: “I was chosen as a disciple to open my mouth and share ‘the voice of warning’ to the people of Hawaii in 1947. The hostilities of World War II had ceased in August of 1945. I was released to inactive duty in the Naval Reserve in midsummer of 1946, was married in September of 1946, and about seven months after that, Sister Cannon and I accepted a call to serve as missionaries in Hawaii. The impact of World War II on Hawaii and its people was still fresh when we arrived in April of 1947. We became witnesses of some deprivation of the island people through shared war stories. Abandoned military barracks were plentiful. Some people we associated with became keys to future establishment of the restored gospel in Micronesia. Approximately twenty-six years after our release as Hawaiian missionaries, Sister Cannon and I were called to return to Hawaii and preside over the Hawaii Honolulu Mission in July of 1975.” Beachheads, p. 2.
[2]  Sister Hualu was one of the parties (see entry for June 26, 1948).
[3]  Iris Evelyn Palama and Martin Hornstine (see entry for June 27, 1948). “NM” appears to mean “non-member.”
[4]  Married Leroy L. Silvo, also a member (see entry for November 1, 1948).
[5]  The 1933 two-door Plymouth sedan was referred to as the “green thing” (see entries for October 18, 1947, January 12 and February 26, 1948, January 15, 1949, and a Mother’s Day Tribute from Dad to Mom in 1999 (“Mother’s Day Tribute”)).
 [6] Dad related to me that after his uncle (and the man after whom Dad was named), William Tenney Cannon, returned home from Hawaii, where he served as director of the Visitor’s Center at the Hawaii Temple, he contacted David O. McKay, then a counselor to President George Albert Smith, and told him that teachers were needed in the Religious Instruction program in Hawaii. He suggested that his nephew, Bill Cannon, would be perfect for the job. President McKay issued a call to Mom and Dad to teach in the Religious Instruction program in Hawaii. When Dean Taylor of the Engineering program at the University of Utah found out (Dad was teaching engineering mechanics at the University), he lobbied Grandmother and Grandfather Cannon with the idea that Dad could do more good by teaching at the University and getting a Ph.D, than by going to Hawaii. Dad felt he wanted to do something for the Church and despite some pressure not to go, he and Mom decided to go to Hawaii. He was promised there would be a position for him in the engineering department at the University when he got back. 

In Beachheads, Dad stated: “We had been called to teach in the LDS Hawaiian Religious Education program. Shortly after our call, which was to have begun at the end of the ’46-’47 school year, we learned that we were to be blessed with our first child. We sought out Elder Harold B. Lee, of the Council of the Twelve, for direction. He suggested that we proceed with our mission and begin our service earlier than planned. At the time, I was on the faculty at the University of Utah, and so, with Elder Lee’s blessing, we left for Hawaii in April 1947, after the end of the winter quarter.” Beachheads, p. 6.
In his Mother’s Day Tribute, Dad stated the following: “We had received our mission call to Hawaii in December, and then discovered that Marg was pregnant…We made an appointment to see Elder Harold B. Lee of the Quorum of Twelve to get direction…After hearing of our plight, he suggested that we proceed with our plan and have our baby in the mission field. The implications of this were very sobering…”
Mom says they were set apart as missionaries even though they were sent to work in the Religious Education program, which was one hour of released time for religious instruction for school children of all ages. They had about three days of preparation in Salt Lake before leaving for their mission. 
[7]  German E. Ellsworth was the father of Dr. Homer Ellsworth, who delivered the last five of Mom’s children (Wendy, Bob, Merilee, Chris and Matt). “He told us that we would likely be separated and assigned to separate companions once we arrived in Hawaii. He was understanding and supportive, but this left us on edge. This was compounded when we found that we were assigned to separate staterooms on board ship. Marg…let it be known that these travel arrangements were unacceptable to her. We were ultimately united in a stateroom of our own. There was a telephone strike and we were unable to call home. We wavered, and had we been able to call for help and sympathy, we may have succumbed to pressure and given up. We both grew up at that moment, and we proceeded to embark upon an adventure that would change our lives.” Mother’s Day Tribute.
A married couple that later came into the mission, the Ellis’s, were assigned to separate islands, he to Molokai and she to Maui (see entries for December 4 and 24, 1947).
[8] The Central Pacific Mission was headquartered in Honolulu and had previously been called the Japanese Mission in Hawaii. President Heber J. Grant was one of the missionaries who opened Japan to proselyting in 1901. In the next 23 years, only 176 baptisms had been performed in Japan when the Oriental Exclusion Law was passed and relations between the United States and Japan were strained and the LDS Church pulled all of the missionaries out of Japan. When President Grant organized the Oahu Stake in Honolulu on June 30, 1935, the first stake to be organized outside of continental North America, he was introduced to nine Hawaii Japanese, or Americans of Japanese Ancestry (AJAs) as they were called, who were baptized members of the Church the day before. Pres. Grant confirmed each of these nine AJAs as members of the Church. He was a guest of Japanese members in Laie and Honolulu and attended ethnic Sabbath schools in Honolulu in both Japanese and Chinese. While in the islands, Pres. Grant talked with Castle Murphy, then the Mission President, about reopening the Japanese Mission in Hawaii. The idea was that Hawaii was the most favorable place for the Church to make its next effort to preach the gospel to the Japanese people and that a strong colony of Japanese Saints in Hawaii could operate from there into their homeland in a way that might bring many Japanese to a knowledge of Christianity and the restored Gospel. In February 1947, Hilton A. Robertson arrived in Honolulu as the first president of the Japanese Mission in Hawaii. Elders and Sisters in the mission were encouraged to learn Japanese, but it was almost unnecessary as most of the converts were young Japanese who spoke English. As the missionary force increased, it became necessary to coordinate the work of the Japanese Mission, the Hawaiian Mission and the Oahu Stake, to avoid duplication and interference. When elders of the Hawaiian Mission contacted AJAs interested in the Church, they transferred the teaching over to the Japanese Mission and vice versa. When Edward L. Clissold was named mission president in 1942, he changed the name of the mission to the Central Pacific Mission as the term “Japanese” was held in derision following the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941. In 1947, the CPM had 66 missionaries and 15 baptisms. In 1948, 89 missionaries and 52 baptisms, and in 1949, the CPM had 77 missionaries and 67 baptisms. In 1948, Edward L. Clissold went to Japan to reopen missionary work there and on April 1, 1950, the Central Pacific Mission and Hawaiian Mission were merged into one mission, the Hawaii Mission. Britsch, R. Lanier, Moramona: The Mormons in Hawaii, Laie: The Institute for Polynesian Studies, 1989 (hereafter “Moramona”), pp. 154-165.
[9] George Quayle Cannon was Dad’s first cousin, one of 7 children of his Uncle William Tenney Cannon (who recommended Mom and Dad for the mission and who helped Grandfather Cannon get started in Salt Lake Stamp Co.). He was a descendant of Eliza Tenney, the third wife of George Q. Cannon, and was one of Dad’s closest cousins (most other cousins were descended through one of the other wives of George Q. Cannon). George Q. was age 38 at the time and had three children, Mary, Vance and George Quayle Cannon III. Vance, who was just 8 years old at this time, later was our Bishop in the Lanakila Ward in Honolulu when Dad went back as Mission President in 1975. He interviewed me for the Melchizedek Priesthood and I hometaught with him. See a later reference to Vance on October 30, 1948.
 [10] Chauncey Llewellyn Cannon was another of Dad’s first cousins, one of 2 children of his Uncle Read Tenney Cannon. He was also a descendant of Eliza Tenney, the third wife of George Q. Cannon, and another of Dad’s closest cousins. Eliza only had three children: Read, William and Edwin, Dad’s father. Therefore, at this time, there were three grandchildren of Eliza, one from each of her sons, all living in the Hawaiian Islands. Chauncey was age 43 at the time. I met Chauncey when Dad went back as Mission President. My journal entry for March 7, 1976 states: “The family took a trip over to see Chauncey and Florence Cannon. He needs to go into a nursing home so they will probably move to Boulder, Colo. and stay with their daughter…After looking at Chauncey, I also got the urge to force myself into physical shape, so that I can avoid disabling influences and be more fit to ward off illness. I don’t ever want my wife to have to take care of me.” 
[11] There is an autobiography by Castle Murphy titled: Castle of Zion, Hawaii: Autobiography and Episodes From the Life of Castle Murphy, Missionary to Hawaii (Deseret Book, 1963) Pres. Murphy served as mission president in Hawaii from 1931 to 1936 and 1944 to 1947. In 1944, Pres. Murphy also served as president of the Central Pacific Mission (until Pres. Weenig was called in 1946) and of the Hawaii Temple. Mormamona, pp. 160, 201-202.

[12] The home in Waihee had three bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. They shared it with another missionary couple and a set of Sister missionaries. Mom says they had plenty of privacy.
 [13]  Donald E. Bennett of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (see names and addresses in Journal 2).
[14] Mom says that Sister Verna Murphy was very quiet and quite obese. She probably weighed more than 300 pounds. 
[15]  Before going to Hawaii, Mom and Dad visited Marsden Durham’s mother. Dad was a good friend of Marsden’s brother, Wayne. She told them that Marsden, while a chaplain, visited Akaka Falls and stepped over the guardrail to get a closer picture of the falls. He slipped and fell to his death. His mother mourned terribly and eventually Marsden appeared to her and told her to quit mourning. He said he was happy, busy, and where he needed to be. His mother asked Mom and Dad to take a picture of Akaka Falls for her, which they did.