Monday, August 12, 2024

Horse Meat Stalls - Tunis, Tunisia

I'd not read about horse meat in Tunisia and was thrilled to find two stalls in the main market in Tunis selling horse meat. This was the first time I've seen raw horse meat for sale. I've eaten it in restaurants and purchased it pre-cooked in sealed packages, but this was wonderfully different. One of the stalls had five severed horse heads hanging from hooks above it and I didn't need to be able to read or understand spoken Arabic to know what kind of meat the stalls were selling. 
The first stall I saw had a plastic horse head above it and several different kinds of sausage hanging. 

Off to one side it had a table full of scrap bones. I don't know if they were for soup or to give to dogs, but the leg of a horse was gigantic. 
In a glass covered counter, from left to right, it had sausage, liver and what looked like chops. 
Next was ground horse meat and roasts of some kind.  

Finally, it had horse salami.  

If there was any question about the kind of meat, the little sign answered the question. 
The second stall, on the opposite side of the aisle, had the hanging horse heads. One of the butchers was holding a hook full of sausage and later got it hanging. 

In the glass covered counter it had different kinds of roasts

horse ribs, ground horse, sausage and separated chops, 

and salami in plastic packaging. 

The butcher gave me a slice of salami and I gave him a few coins. He gave me some more salami slices that I ate during the rest of the day. Although the salami was the only horse I ate in Tunisia, the visuals of the horse meat stalls made it a memorable horse experience. 

1 comment:

  1. The visuals did indeed make it a memorable experience, especially in my nightmares (no pun intended). Just a little creepy to see that friendly face hanging over parts of its body for sale. Thank goodness we didn't have a kitchen.
