Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Camel Stand - Tunisia

On a March 2024 drive from Tunis to Kairouan, Tunisia, our guide stopped at a stand selling camel meat. Several decapitated camel heads hung from the entrance, a man inside was looking at his cell phone next to a large freezer, a large leg of camel covered in cellophane hung in front, and a live hobbled camel stood outside. 

Our guide stopped next to the camel and gave me an orange to offer to it, but the camel was not interested. 
Later, in a small town, we saw a group of about six camels, hobbled together, outside a large place selling camel. We got by too quickly for me to request a stop. I've eaten quite a bit of camel supplied by Anshu Pathak of Exotic Meat Market (mail order, he obtains it from Australia), but I've never seen it for sale, other than that, and certainly not with camel heads and a live camel. That was a very fun little sidelight to our trip. 

1 comment:

  1. That poor camel having to be hobbled by what might be the remains Cousin Joe or Aunt Edith. Nothing like a visual reminder of your own mortality.
