Sunday, March 16, 2025

Yellow-Vented Bulbul

The yellow-vented bulbul, also known as the eastern yellow-vented bulbul, has six subspecies. I saw several at the Singapore Botanical Gardens. I saw the subspecies Pycnonotus goiavier analis, found on the Malay Peninsula and the Indonesian islands of Sumatra, Java, Bali, Lombok and Sumbawa. Other subspecies are found in other parts of Indonesia and Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines. 

It has a broad supercilium, crownside, white cheeks, throat and belly, yellow vent and undertail coverts (which give it its name), dark brown forehead, ear coverts and coronal stripe, including the crest, and variations of brown elsewhere. Both sexes are alike.

1 comment:

  1. Bulbul is such a great name (and completely unfamiliar to me before our travels).
