We visited a Samburu tribe in northern Kenya which was located between
Buffalo Springs National Reserve and Shaba National Reserve. Only a small
portion of our group paid the $20.00 per person to visit the tribe, a visit
arranged by our driver, Stephen. I got the impression that not many people
visit the Samburu tribe, unlike the Masai (or Maasai) tribe in Tanzania which
was part of our tour itinerary and I think is part of many tour itineraries.
According to the 2009 census, there were 38.9 million people living in
Kenya. Most of those people belong to one of 42 tribes, each tribe having its
own unique culture, but with intertwining cultural practices because of
similarities in language, environment and physical proximity to each other. There
are 69 languages spoken in Kenya, but the languages can mostly be broken down
into three categories. The Bantu speaking people, primarily farmers, are the
majority in Kenya and are found along the coast, in the central highlands and
in the west. The Bantu language originated in West Africa (Niger/Congo). The
predominant Bantu tribes are the Kikuyu – 20% (of the total population), Kamba –
10%, Kisi – 6%, Mijikenda – 5%, Luhya – 14%, and Meru – 4%. Nilotes speakers are
the second largest group in Kenya and are found in the Great Rift Valley and
Lake Victoria region. The Nilotes are herdsmen and have reputations as warriors
and cattle-rustlers. They speak Nilo-Saharan languages and originally came to
Kenya by way of South Sudan. The most prominent tribes are the Luo – 10%, Masai
– 2.1%, Turkana – 2.5%, Kelanin – 13% and Samburu (there are about 142,300
Samburu people which would make them about .37% of the population). The Cushite
speaking people are pastoralists and nomads in northeast Kenya. They speak
Afro-Asiatic languages and originally came from Ethiopia and Somalia. They are
mostly herdsmen and Muslim and are found primarily along the border with
Somalia. They are only about 2% of the
population of Kenya. Despite the wide variety of languages, both Swahili and
English are the official languages and are what allow cross-cultural communication.
Swahili is particularly known among the young Samburu and both Swahili and
English are taught in school. However, there is a low level of literacy and
education among the Samburu.
The Samburu tribe is found in north-central Kenya and is closely
related to the Masai tribe. The Samburu language is called Samburu and about
95% of what they say would be understood by the Masai, although the Samburu
speak more rapidly than the Masai. The Samburu people are traditionally
pastoral, living off their herds of cows and goats. A few also have camels. When
they arrived in the 15th century, the Masai moved south and the
Samburu moved north. The Samburu were not impacted much by British rule because
the British were not attracted to the arid lands they inhabited. The Samburu,
the Masai and the Turkana tribes are among the few African tribes that have
remained culturally authentic by
clinging to their traditional way of life.
The Samburu practice polygynous marriage, which allows a man to have multiple
wives. At least in the village we visited, a man has to pay 10 cows to the
father of the woman he wants to marry. One man told us proudly that when his
two young daughters got married, he would get 20 cows and intimated that 20
cows would make him rich. The Samburu acknowledged that most men could not
currently afford to pay that bride-price and the result was that many of the
young people just slept together, and avoided marriage. We were told that the
first wife was an arranged marriage, but after that, a man could pick out his
own wives, so long as he can afford them. Girls as young as 12 years of age get
married, sometimes to men that are much older than them.
A settlement usually consists of five to ten families and they will
live in an area for about five weeks and then move on to obtain new pastures
for their cattle. Wealth is measured by the size of the herd. Adult men care
for the grazing cattle. Women milk the cows, obtain water and gather firewood. Each
woman has her own hut which she builds with the help of other women out of materials
that are available, such as mud, sticks and cow dung. We also saw them using cardboard
from boxes and plastic. The settlement consists of huts built in a rough circle
with open space in the center containing animal pens to keep the animals away
from predators. The circle of huts is surrounded by a fence made of acacia
thorn bushes which is built by the men. Their main food is maize (corn), milk
and blood, much like the Masai. The blood is drawn by piercing the vein of a
cow with a spear or knife. The wound is then resealed with hot ashes. They only
eat meat on special occasions and during ceremonies such as the birth of a
child, initiation (circumcision) and marriage.
The acacia thorn outer fence surrounds the huts within. |
A child in orange stands at the entrance to the village. |
Several huts, the entrance in the center and our vehicle to the far right. |
A closer view of two huts. Note the traditional materials, but also the cardboard and plastic. |
A hut for goats surrounded by a much stronger acacia fence. |
A beautiful little black and white goat inside the hut. |
The thick acacia fence surrounding the animal compound. |
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The animal enclosure from the outside. |
Going inside a hut. |
The huts were much better covered on top and were sectioned into a cooking area and a sleeping area. The floors were mostly dirt, but were covered in places by mats. They slept on mats on the ground. Dung and mud were used to fill gaps in the sticks which provided the structure for the hut. |
I found myself getting very warm and claustrophobic inside and wanting to get out. |
The mud/dung sides only go so high, then the roof is slatted sticks covered by cardboard, plastic, thatching, etc. |

The style of dress of the Samburu is very similar to the Masai and
foreigners often confuse the two tribes. They dress simply with brightly
colored fabric called shukas, which they wrap loosely around their bodies. Men
often wear red and black cloth, while women wear two pieces of purple or blue
cloth, one piece wrapped around the waist and one wrapped over the chest. In
the past decade or so, traditional clothing styles have started to change. Men
may wear a dark green or blue plaid cloth and often wear shorts underneath.
Women now often wear cloth with animal or floral patterns in deep colors and
often wear tank tops and plaid skirts. Both sexes also wear beaded jewelry in
the form of necklaces, bracelets and anklets and sometimes decorate their
bodies and hair with red ochre. Warriors or morans keep their long hair in
braids and dress in more colorful attire than other members of the tribe. When
they become elders, they shave off their braids. Women keep their hair shaved. Samburu
who live in the city usually dress Western style, but most of them are still
rural and dress traditionally.
Samburu women at the entrance of the acacia thorn fence dressed in their colorful clothing and beads. |
The Samburu women mixed with our women and taught them a dance. |
Note the short hair, but also the more modern prints on their clothing. |
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This Samburu woman was educated outside of the village, but came back to the village to support her people. Note the highlights in her hair and her longer hair is gathered to the back of her head in a bun. She talked of her desires for change among her people, including her desire to see female circumcision abandoned. |
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A Samburu man in a traditional wrap in traditional colors. |
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This man was the son of the chief and was the main spokesman. He spoke in good English and advocated strongly for polygany and female circumcision. |
A chicken roaming the compound. |
A dog in the compound. |
An open hut for an unknown purpose. |
Marriage is a series of rituals. I’ve read that gifts by the
bridegroom include two goatskins, two copper earrings, a container for milk, and
a sheep, but that appears to be in addition to the bride-price paid in cows. We
were told in this particular tribe that the bride-price was ten cows. The
marriage is official when a bull enters a hut guarded by the bride’s mother and
is killed.
Child-bearing is very important. One fertility ritual has them placing
a mud figure in front of a woman’s hut. A week later a feast is given by the
husband who invites the neighbors to eat a slaughtered bull. A little fat is
spread over the woman’s belly and they say, “May God give you a child.” A woman
that is not able to bear children is ridiculed.
The children in "school" were off to the side. I assume the hut near them was the school house. |
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The children were very cute, but also very dirty. Many were barefoot. |
Their society is focused on cattle and warfare and they have had a
harder time assimilating into modern culture than many other tribes, including
the Masai. Boys early on learn to herd cattle and goats, to hunt and to defend
their flocks. Girls learn to get water and wood and cook. Both sexes are
initiated into adulthood. Boys are trained for about five years to become a
junior warrior or moran, then they go through a naming ceremony and serve as
senior morans for six years. During their warrior years, men live apart from
the women of the village. After completion of their training, they are free to
marry and join the married men after they have been circumcised. Women must
have female circumcision or clitoridectomy before they are married. This is now
illegal under Kenyan law but we were told by the Samburu that female circumcision
is still practiced.
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They are very adept at starting fire without matches. We watched a demonstration of them creating a fire using wood sticks and dung (the dung was the fuel to catch the flame). |
They love to sing and dance, but traditionally do not use instruments
or drums. Most dances involve men and women dancing in separate circles with
particular moves for each sex. The men particularly enjoy dance jumping and
high jumping from a standing position. We saw them do this and also
participated with them in doing so.
A Samburu man jumping very high in a dance the men all participated in. |
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They try to supplement their "tourist" money with the sale of necklaces and woodcarvings. |
Traditionally, the Samburu believe that God, Nkai,
is the source of their protection. Nkai dwells in the mountains, large trees,
caverns and water springs. Nkai, a feminine noun, plays an active role in their
lives. Individuals, especially women and children, have visions of Nkai and
some of them prophesy. They pray to Nkai in public gatherings, but they also
use the term nkai for spirits related to trees, rocks and springs. They also
believe in an evil spirit called milika. They have shamans, loibonok, who
divine the causes of illness and misfortune and guide warriors. The majority of
the Samburu observe traditional ritual practices, but some have converted to
other religions, such as Catholicism and Protestantism. It is estimated that
about 8 or 9% of the Samburu are Christian, and about one-third of those are
evangelical Christians. We had several Samburu tell us that they are Catholic
and show us crosses around their necks. I assume the Catholic church turns a
blind eye to the polygany because it is so prevalent among the tribes of
My understanding is that the Samburu tribe is a branch of the Masai. Based on our very limited experience, they seemed like the poor country cousins. I was impressed by the young woman who came to help with the tour, but I got the sense that she is a rarity--someone both well educated but still committed to the tribe. As their older children are sent away to school, I wonder if change will come more quickly to the tribe. It was a shock to find that female circumcision is still practiced in spite of legislation against it and in a group that seems to have regular contact with the outside world. How that and polygamy is reconciled with Catholicism is a mystery, but perhaps the transition to different beliefs and practices has at least begun.
ReplyDeleteWhat a challenging life these people live. As Judy says, the circumcision and polygamy are a surprise. I love the pictures of the children.
ReplyDeleteThat looks like a very harsh way of life.