This is the second part of our trip that began March 27, 2003. Part one is primarily New York City and Philadelphia. Part two begins April 2, 2003 in Wilkes Barre, PA, and is primarily an LDS Church historical tour, covering Harmony, Palmyra, Kirtland and then Niagara Falls. This is much less commentary in part two, much of it was pre-planning notes and our basic itinerary.
2, 2003 (Wednesday):
had our best breakfast in the morning as part of our room rate. They had
Belgian waffles (Andrew’s favorite) with butter and syrup, juice (I had orange
and cranberry), hard boiled eggs, yogurt (peach - my favorite), sweet rolls,
cereal (I had Applejacks) and fruit (I took an apple with me).
pulled into a gas station in Wilkes-Barre to get gas and asked directions back
onto the freeway. It just happened that the owner of the service station was a
Mormon and talked to me briefly. Judy brought along some Living Scriptures
tapes dealing with Church history and we started to listen to them to get us in
the mood and frame of mind for the Church history segment of our trip. Sam,
particularly, was interested in the tapes, which lasted us until we got to
to Harmony (Oakland), PA
of Isaac and Elizabeth Hale:
6 1/2 miles east of the Hallstead/Great Bend exit from I-81 on SR 171 (1.8
miles west of Oakland, PA). In 1853, Harmony Township boundary was changed and
the home is now located in Oakland Township. Joseph and his father boarded with
Isaac Hale in 1825 while working for Josiah Stowell. This home is west of
Joseph and Emma’s home, around a bend in the highway and across the road (on
the north side). Original home destroyed by fire between 1873 and 1875. A
replacement home was torn down in 1951-1952. All that is visible is a grassy
plain, a split rail fence and a marker.
of Joseph and Emma Smith: The two-story frame house burned down in
December 1827, Joseph and Emma moved to Harmony from Manchester to work on the
translation of the gold plates. Their first son, Alvin, was born and died the
same day, on June 15, 1828. They bought a small farm and house where Joseph
translated from April 7 to early June 1829. This is where the first 116 pages
of the Book of Mormon were translated that were later lost by Martin Harris. On
May 15, 1829, Joseph and Oliver Cowdery received the Aaronic Priesthood from
John the Baptist nearby on the Susquehanna River (the exact location is unknown
- the monument there is placed for convenience of visitors - the site of the home was just west of the monument).
Samuel Smith, the first convert baptism, was baptized there 10 days later. The
Melchizedek Priesthood was restored
somewhere between Harmony and Colesville, New York (the location is unknown).
After organization of the church in 1830, Joseph and Emma returned to Harmony
to live through the summer of 1830. 15 revelations in the D&C were received
here: Sections 3 to 12, 13 was on the banks of the Susquehanna River, and 24 to
Cemetery: 80 yards east of the Aaronic Priesthood
Monument. Headstones for Isaac Hale (died January 11, 1839), Elizabeth Hale
(died February 16, 1842), and Alvin Smith (the headstone reads “In Memory of An
Infant Son of Joseph and Emma Smith June 15th 1828.”).
River: 175 yards directly south of Joseph and Emma’s
home. A path has been cleared through trees and undergrowth commencing on a
line with the backside of the Aaronic Priethood Monument, but a chain-link
fence and “No Tresspassing” signs have been placed because dangerous railroad
tracks exist. Negotiations in process to provide a safe access for visitors.
John the Baptist ordained Joseph and Oliver on May 15, 1829. Samuel Smith, the
first convert baptism, took place on May 25, 1829.
to Fayette, NY: Comfort Inn in Wilkes-Barre to Whitmer farm - 202.03 miles, 3
hours and 31 minutes.
Whitmer Farm: 1451
Aunkst Road, Waterloo, NY 13165 (315) 539-2552
a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (free) 3 miles south of Waterloo on SR 96 and .8 mile west on
the north side of Aunkst Road. Fayette gets its name from the General Marquis
de LaFayette, the Revolutionary War hero. Church formally organized here with
six members on April 6, 1830. 20 revelations from D&C received here: 14-18,
20-21 and 28-40. Joseph and Oliver Cowdery did most of Book of Mormon
translation here. This is also where Oliver Cowdery, Martin Harris and David
Whitmer witnessed the gold plates in the presence of an angel. This was about
220 yards east of the log house between Aunkst and Miller Roads. The log home
was reconstructed in 1980 and is an example of the type of log home built during
that period. The Fayette Visitor’s Center and Chapel are where the history of
the organization of the church is told.
Drive to
Farmington, NY: 34.5 miles and 44 minutes from Whitmer Farm to Budget Inn
Inn, 6001 NYS Rt. 96,
Farmington, NY 14425 (585) 924-5020
$49.00 +
10% tax = $53.90/night x 2 = $107.80
3, 2003 (Thursday):
miles and 27 minutes from Budget Inn to Harris Farm
Harris Farm: 2095
Maple Avenue, Palmyra, NY
miles north of Palmyra and the Four Corners intersection of Main and Church
Streets. The site of the home is at 1962 Maple, on the west side of the road.
It was 1 1/2 story frame house and burned down in 1849. The home now standing
is owned by the Church but is not open for tours. The 116 page manuscript was
brought here in June 1828. It was stolen by his wife, Lucy, and Flanders Dyke
(married to Martin’s daughter, Lucy) in June or July 1828.
John Swift Memorial Cemetery: On the west side of Church Street opposite
St. Anne’s Roman Catholic Church, on a rise 20 feet above street level. The
headstone of Alvin Smith is on the southern edge 106 feet from the entry
stairway. The epitaph reads: “In memory of Alvin, son of Joseph and Lucy Smith,
who died Nov. 19, 1823, in the 25 year of his age.”
Building, 1.67 miles and 4 minutes from Harris Farm
Building: 217 East
Main Street, Palmyra, NY 14522 (315) 597-5851
5,000 copies of the Book of Mormon printed here. Dedicated on March 26, 1998,
the anniversary of the first printing of the Book of Mormon in 1830. Restored
to as it was in the late 1820s. The printing press was located on the 3rd
floor; a book bindery, where the printed sheets were folded into book-size
pages and sewed, cut and bound, was on the 2nd floor; and a bookstore was on
the 1st floor where the Book of Mormon was to be sold.
Homesite of Joseph Smith, Sr. Family: Tradition identifies the SE corner of the
intersection of Johnson and Vienna Streets at 202 Vienna Street as the site of
the Smith home following their arrival in 1816. The road tax list, however,
shows that beginning in April 1817, they were on West Main Street until 1819.
Smith, Sr. log home:
843 Stafford Road, 1.6 miles south of West Main Street in Palmyra, 230 yards
north of the frame home. There is a reconstructed log house dedicated by
President Hinckley on March 27, 1998. Erection may have begun as early as
winter of 1817-1818 and it was built by 1818 or 1819. It was 1 1/2 stories with
two rooms on the ground level, a kitchen and a parlor (which doubled as a
bedroom). A bedroom wing was added on the NW corner later. A steep, narrow
stairway led to an overhead garret, divided into two apartments. It was from
this home that Joseph went into the Sacred Grove. Also where Joseph was visited
by Moroni. Hyrum and Jerusha lived here from their marriage, November 2, 1826,
until the fall of 1830. The eight witnesses viewed the gold plates in a little
grove nearby and Oliver Cowdery completed copying in longhand the printer’s
copy of the Book of Mormon from the manuscript here. He and Hyrum supervised
the first publication of the Book of Mormon. Hyrum left in September/October
1830 to preside over the Colesville Branch. In the spring of 1829, when new
owners required Joseph, Sr. and Lucy to leave the Manchester farm, they moved
back into the log house occupied by Hyrum. Joseph, Sr. and Lucy left about the
same time as Hyrum to the Waterloo area.
miles and 2 minutes from Grandin Building to Joseph Smith, Sr. home
Smith, Sr. frame home: 1.7 miles south of West Main Street. Restored
in 2000 to its condition at the time of the Smith occupancy in 1825-1829. Alvin
had raised the framework by November 1822. After Alvin’s death on November
22nd, a neighbor, Russell Stoddard, helped supervise the construction. It was
not completed in October 1825 when Josiah Stowell came to visit Joseph, but it
was apparently occupied. Joseph left the frame home for his annual visits to
the Hill Cumorah in 1825 (from the above, it appears it may have been from the
log home), 1826 and 1827. Lemuel Durfee Sr. purchased the farm on December 20,
1825 when the Smiths were unable to pay the mortgage. The Smiths became tenants
on the land until they left in April 1829 back to the log home. This is the
home where the gold plates were brought back to from the Hill Cumorah in
1827. Joseph received 4 revelations
here: D&C 2, 19, 22 and 23.
Grove: 843
Stafford Road, Palmyra, NY
mile west of the log and frame homes. One of the last surviving tracts of
primeval forest in western New York. It is a 10 acre grove with maples, beech,
hophorn-beam, wild cherry, ash, oak, hickory and elm. Many of the tree, are
over 200 years old and would have been full-grown at the time of the First
Vision, in the spring of 1820.
2.96 miles
and 7 minutes from the Joseph Smith, Sr. home to the Hill Cumorah
Cumorah Visitor’s Center: 603 Route 21 South, Palmy, NY
on SR 21, 2.3 miles north of I-90 and 3 miles from the Joseph Smith, Sr. log
home. Where Joseph Smith received the
gold plates from the Angel Moroni in 1827.
117 feet in elevation, a drumlin, where sand, gravel, clay, boulders,
etc. were deposited by glaciers.
previously scheduled to attend a 7:30 p.m. session at the Palmyra New York
Temple, located just east of the Joseph Smith, Sr. log home, about a quarter
mile. We’d been up the temple earlier in the day with the boys, walking around
it. A tree covered ridge mostly obscures the Smith farm, but one opening in the
trees allows a view of the trees comprising the sacred grove. The boys spotted a
red fox running along that ridge. It was a beautiful red, with black and white
on the tail, and very large. Judy exclaimed it was the first red fox she’d ever
seen and she was quite thrilled to see it. She usually doesn’t get too excited
about spotting animals, so her reaction was fun for me. I have seen one red fox
before, as a boy in the foothills of Salt Lake above my home on Northmont Way.
of the outside windows of the temple are stained glass representing the sacred
grove: green, brown and gold colors representing trees and leaves. It was
pretty in the day, but the stained glass does not stand out much during the
day. However, at night when we went back, the lights from within the temple
illuminated the stained glass and it was absolutely beautiful. As we left the
temple, an ice storm had begun (the first one I have ever been in). The ground
lights around the temple, about two feet high, were fringed by icicles of even
length and spacing, much like the fringe on a frilly leather coat. Ice coated
the bare limbs of the trees and shrubs as well. With the light sparkling
through the ice, like prisms, it added to the beauty of the stained glass. Judy
exclaimed that it was “more beautiful than Temple Square at Christmas.”
were asked to be the witness couple. This is only the second time Judy and I
have been the witness couple. The other time was many years ago in the Salt
Lake Temple on a weekday in a small session. There were only about nine people
in the session, perhaps the smallest temple session I’ve ever been to. We were
early and had time to sit in the room and meditate. As we saw woods in the
temple film, I thought of the fox outside. The celestial room faces the open,
grassy field, to the south of the temple.
Sam: The
first thing we did this morning was to go to the place of the printing of the
first 5,000 copies of the Book of Mormon. It is on Main Street in the business
district of Palmyra. The first copies were made by a man named E. B. Grandin,
he was in his early twenties. The location has some of the first copies of the
Book of Mormon. It also has the press used and a lot of the original materials.
There were threes stories to the press, with some rooms added on around the
press. It was cool to be in the same place that Joseph would have been, to walk
where he walked.
there we went to the place where Joseph’s log cabin, the sacred grove, and the
frame house are. We started out in the visitor’s center, where an old
missionary started our tour. We went into the log cabin where Joseph would have
left through the back door to go into the grove. It is very small and would
have been freezing in the winter back then. We went upstairs to where Joseph
would have seen and learned from the angel Moroni. I desired to walk through
the grove alone, so I left my family early and headed into the grove.
weather was very cold, clouds were overhead and it was drizzling slightly. The
trees were bare and the floor of the grove was covered in a blanket of damp
leaves. It is early in the spring, so the conditions are similar to how they
were… in 1820… I [later] found my family and we went to the frame house. Joseph’s
brother Alvin had started building the house, Joseph and his family finished it
after Alvin died.
Chase Farm: Just east of the temple, 1.5 miles south of
the Four Corners intersection in Palmyra or 1.2 miles north of the Armington
Schoolhouse. Joseph was digging a well on the Chase farm with Alvin and Hyrum
in September 1819 (Willard Chase said 1822) when the seer stone was uncovered.
The well was in the NW corner of the field next to the road on the east side of
SR 21. Martin Harris said the seerstone helped Joseph translate, as well as the
Urim and Thummim.
Journal of Luella Cannon (July 7, 1929):
– saw Lake Ontario from here. Wolcott –
loads of pie cherries. Williamson – turn
south here to Palmyra. More
showers. White lilies in woods, like
Easter Lilies, varied fruits & garden stuff. Ate dinner at the “Palmyra
Inn”. Drove on to Hill Cumorah. Cumorah cut in grass on top of hill, seen
from street. Board on hill saying: ‘The
Hill Cumorah ,Property of Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S.’ (tells of plates
being translated by gift & power of God.) On gas station reads: ‘Cumorah
(Mormon) Hill On Sept. 22, 1827 J. Smith obtained from this hill gold plates
containing the true origin of the Am. Indians.
See book of Mormon & compare with recent archaeological discoveries
of America.’ Cumorah Farm across street having rooms for tourists. Walked on hill in rain. Saw family of skunks. One shot at Dr. Bean. Hit his coat and face. Went over to farm where Joseph Smith lived
when had the vision, saw room where angel appeared to him. Saw room where translation was commenced –
visited grove, and saw fence where he fell…Went out to Palmyra. Traveled along by Erie Canal for some
distance, also saw barges on it today.”
4, 2003 (Friday):
Drive to
Mendon, NY: From the Palmyra Visitor’s Center to Tomlinson Corners is 20.62
miles and 35 minutes.
Inn: NE corner of junction of SR 64 and Boughton
Hill Road (CR 41). The owner is contemplating converting it into a bed and
breakfast (but has not done so). Here Samuel H. Smith sold a copy of the Book
of Mormon to Phinehas H. Young in April 1830. Phinehas read it and then began
to circulate it, initially to his father, John Young, Sr., then to his sister,
Fanny Murray. Nathan Tomlinson, a convert to Mormonism, owned the inn. Many
meetings of the Mendon Branch, organized in the spring of 1832, were held here.
Members of the Mendon Branch included John Young, Sr, Brigham Young and wife,
Miriam, Joseph Young, Heber Kimball and wife, Vilate, Israel Barlow, Ezra
Thayer and Hiram Page.
C. Kimball home site: Some believe it is west of the Tomlinson Inn
on NE corner of SR 64 and Boughton Road. After study of land deeds, a local
historian believes it was at 806 Boughton Hill Road, .2 miles east of Tomlinson
Corners. Stanley B. Kimball believes it was 1/4 mile east of Tomlinson’s
Corners on the north side of Boughton Hill Road. Still being determined.
November 1831, Alpheus Gifford and friends were passing through on a visit to
Kirtland to see Joseph Smith. Heber and Brigham Young traveled to the home of
Phinehas Young to listen to the missionaries preach. Heber was baptized April
16, 1832 when Alpheus Gifford came through again on another visit to Mendon.
Young home: The farm and original front portion of the
home are located at 981 Cheese Factory Road, 1.6 miles south of Mendon. The
barn was removed from here and taken to the Joseph Smith, Sr. farm in
Manchester where it was utilized for a reconstruction of a 19th century barn.
The back portion of the original home is located at 984 Cheese Factory Road.
This is where the entire original home once stood. Owned by the Church, but
occupied by private parties. John Young moved to Mendon from Tyrone, New York
in 1827. Brigham Young built the home that still exists on this site for his
father. John Young was baptized April 5, 1832 in Columbia, PA. John moved to
Kirtland in June 1833. His wife, Hannah, joined him two years later. When the
Youngs left Kirtland to follow the Church to Missouri, Hannah returned to her
family in New York.
Young home and mill site: .2 miles east of John Young home on Cheese
Factory Road and 450 yards south of the road on a small stream. The site is
owned by the Church. Nothing left of what was a two story structure (a mill on
the bottom and a dwelling on top). Brigham moved to Mendon in the spring of
1829. In the spring of 1830, Brigham first saw a copy of the Book of Mormon, a
copy Samuel Smith placed with Phinehas Young, Brigham’s brother, in April 1830.
Brigham also mentioned reading from a second copy of the Book of Mormon Samuel
Smith left with his sister, Rhoda Young Greene in June 1830. Elder Eleazer
Miller and other elders from Columbia, PA completed the conversion process.
Brigham was baptized April 15, 1832 in Mendon by Eleazer Miller, in his own mill
stream. Brigham’s wife, Miriam, died of consumption (tuberculosis) at the
Kimball home on September 8, 1832, while Heber and Brigham were on a mission in
the surrounding townships. In September 1833, Brigham moved to Kirtland.
P. and Rhoda Young Greene’s home site: In 1827, John P. Greene and Rhoda Young
Greene lived very close to Heber C. Kimball, within 100 yards. Lucy Mack Smith
says that Samuel H. Smith called on the Greene family in Bloomfield (7 or 8
miles south of Mendon) and left a copy of the Book of Mormon in their home in
June 1830.
Drive to
Kirtland, OH: Budget Inn, Farmington, to Days Inn - 247.65 miles, 4 hours and 2
Inn Willoughby
4145 State
Route 306
OH 44094
$39.60 + 10% tax = $43.56
Days Inn
to Visitor’s Center - .8 miles and 1 minute.
Visitor’s Center:
7800 Kirtland-Chardon Road, Kirtland, OH 44094
film dramatizes events in the 1830s. Guided tours of the Whitney home, Whitney
store and Johnson Inn begin here.
K. and Elizabeth Ann Whitney Home:
Near the intersection of SR 306 and SR 615 (Chillicothe Road)
following 6 sections of the D&C were revealed here: 41-44, 70 and 72.
to the Whitney store and restored to its original condition. After arriving in
Kirtland, Joseph and Emma lived here for several weeks. Before the church was
introduced to Kirtland, the Whitneys were in their home, about midnight,
“praying to the father to be shown the way.” The spirit rested upon them and a
cloud overshadowed the house. They heard a voice out of the cloud saying:
“Prepare to receive the word of the Lord, for it is coming!” When Joseph and
Emma arrived in Kirtland in early February 1831, they went to the Whitney
store. Joseph “sprang from the sleigh and entered the…Whitney Store. Extending
his hand to [Newel Whitney] as though he were a familiar acquaintance, Joseph
said, ‘Newel K. Whitney! Thou art the man!” Astonished, Newel said he didn’t
know the stranger. Joseph responded, “I am Joseph the Prophet. You’ve prayed me
here, now what do you want of me?” Joseph and Emma lived in the Whitney home.
It was here that Joseph healed Alice Johnson of chronic rheumatism.
Newel K. Whitney Store was one of the places I was most looking forward to
visiting. 17 Sections of the D&C were revealed there: (78), 84-98 and 101,
including the oath and covenant of the priesthood and the word of wisdom. Much
of the inspired version of the Bible was also completed there. It was
established in 1826 as the first store in the Kirtland area. Joseph and Emma
Smith arrived at the store in early February 1831. In December 1831, Newel K.
Whitney was called as the second bishop of the church and used part of the
store to organize goods used to help the needy. Joseph and Emma lived at the
store and used a room as an office from September 12, 1832 to about February
1834 (almost a year and a half). It was church headquarters from the fall of
1832 through the winter of 1833. As you first walk in, you go into the store
and post office (on the west end of the ground floor). It is stalked with goods
of the era. To the southeast, on the ground floor, is the trading and supply
room, which provided storage for items, including the bishop’s storehouse as
Newel acted as bishop.
Emma’s kitchen was in the northeast corner and
stairs led from there up to Joseph’s and Emma’s apartment on the second floor.
Joseph’s and Emma’s bedroom was located in the northwest corner upstairs and
was where Joseph Smith III was born on November 6, 1832. In the southeast
corner, upstairs, was the room which served as the Church’s administrative
headquarters, Joseph did much of the inspired translation of the Bible there,
and in 1833, completed one phase of the inspired version. Joseph received his
revelations in this room, including Section 89.
the northeast corner, right next to it, was the room where the School of the
Prophets was held, beginning in the winter of 1833. This room was built at the
request of Joseph and Levi Hancock did the work. The Word of Wisdom was
revealed as a result of the smoke filled meetings taking place in these rooms
(see the statement of Brigham Young on February 27, 1833). The Father and Son
appeared during at least one session of the School of Prophets. Sister Coombs
of Monroe, Utah, our guide, related the account of Zebedee Coltrin, who wrote:
“Joseph asked if we saw him. I saw him and suppose the others did and Joseph
answered that is Jesus, the Son of God, our elder brother. Afterward Joseph
told us to resume our former position in prayer, which we did. Another person
came through; he was surrounded as with a flame of fire…The Prophet Joseph said
this was the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. I saw Him.”
went into the Newel K. Whitney Store. We saw the place where he sold all of his
things, then we went upstairs, where the real meat of the significance for the
store lays. Upstairs there is a room where Joseph and Emma would sleep. Then we
went into the “revelation room.” There was a big table (the original one) and chairs
(original, also) around it. It was awesome to be in the room where… much of the
doctrines of our church were born. ..We continued into the room where Joseph
conducted the school of the prophets. It was a very small room, with many
benches in it. Here the first leaders of the church would sit, listen, and
learn from the prophet. Here the word of wisdom (section 89:18-21) was first
enacted. We left that building and went to a last visitor’s center and spent
some time there. We then left and drove up past the Kirtland temple, got some
food, then went to the hotel.”
Parrish home: Immediately north of the Whitney store on the
east side of Chillicothe Road (closed to the public).
of Joseph’s clerks. Wilford Woodruff was a missionary companion of his in the
southern states and lived in this home both before and after his marriage to
Phoebe Carter. Warren was involved with the Kirtland Safety Society and was
charged with embezzling $25,000 from the society and contributing to its
downfall. He left the Church and became
a supporter of David Whitmer, President of the Church of Christ.
F. Boynton home: North of the Parrish home, close to the SW
bank of the east branch of the Chagrin River (closed to the public).
of the original apostles. Disfellowshipped in 1837 and finally excommunicated.
Visited Brigham Young in Utah in 1872 but never rejoined the Church. Died in
Syracuse, New York in 1890.
site: East of the Whitney store and on the other
side of a lot that belonged to Sidney Rigdon (a replica). Consisted of several
poles that supported a roof to cover vats in which skins were soaked. It took
nearly a year to tan a hide well. Purchased by the Church in 1833 as part of
the united order. Sidney Rigdon, a tanner by trade, was appointed steward over
site: Across the street (south) of the Whitney
store and south of the schoolhouse (a replica). Four corner posts that
supported a roof and that covered a furnace and vat. The ashes of hardwood
burned in the furnace were mixed with water before being reheated. As the
moisture evaporated, the mixture became potash. Potash was used to make soap,
fertilizer, glass and medicines and to clean wool. When the Kirtland and
Missouri united orders were separated into two different orders on April 23,
1834, the ashery was deeded to Newel K. Whitney who had been the former owner.
Orson Hyde assisted him (and did so as early as 1826).
Johnson Inn:
Diagonally across the street from the Whitney store. Purchased by the Church in
1833 and when the Kirtland united order was reorganized in 1834, John Johnson
was designated as the steward. The Kirtland edition of The Evening and Morning
Star was published here following destruction of the press in Independence,
Missouri in December 1833. The Egyptian mummies were displayed here and the
Twelve Apostles left from here on their first mission on May 4, 1835. Joseph
Smith, Sr. was called as the first patriarch of the Church here. Operated by
John Johnson in 1833. The first brick building in Kirtland, built by Peter
French in the mid 1820s. Reconstructed on the original site. Today is a modern
resource center with displays, interactive exhibits and video presentations.
Journal of Luella Cannon (July 10, 1929):
“Waited while line of barges went under
bridge on Erie Canal. Rode along Erie
Canal past Athol Springs. Ate in Silver
Creek Restaurant. Yellow brick tourist
houses. Loads of grapes. Many cherries, currants, garden stuff. A change in scenery from Eastern N.Y. Speedometer 11111. Passed N.Y. & Pennsylvania line at 5:35
D.S. time. Following Lake Erie all
way. Reached Erie, Pa at 6:03. Crossed Ohio line 7:03 D.S.T. Ashtabula.
Geneva – Prettier through here than for sometime today. Man in service station said that been raining
here for some time. All day weather has
been marvelous, even very cool when we have stopped, yet sun shining brightly
& atmosphere clear. Painesville, a
very pretty place, more trees & shrubs.
5 miles from Painesville turned off for Kirtland. Hilly, beautiful & green. Temple on hill, cemetary across street to
side. Old home of Sidney Rigdon across
street. Three of streets names same as
of old – Joseph, Whitmer, Rigdon. Three stories in temple. Pulpits in both ends on two stories. One end
for Aaronic, one for Mechizedek Priesthood”.
5, 2003 (Saturday):
Morley Farm: one
mile NE of the Whitney store on the north side of SR 615 (Chillicothe Road). Isaac
Morley was one of the earliest settlers in Kirtland. By 1831 he owned about 80
acres and a religious communal group known as “The Family” lived on the farm.
Many converts to the Church, such as the Wights, Billing and Murdocks had been
members of the group. In response to D&C 41:7 where it was revealed
that Joseph should have a house built in which he could live and translate,
Isaac began building a home on his farm for Joseph and Emma. They lived here
from March to September 1831 after which they moved to Hiram. Emma gave birth
to twins, Thaddeus and Louisa, who lived just three hours. Soon after these
deaths, John Murdock’s wife, Julia, died and Joseph and Emma adopted the
newborn Murdock twins, Joseph and Julia. The following 13 sections of the
D&C were received here: 45-50, 52-56, 63-64. After a brief stay with the
Whitney family, Joseph and Emma lived here for 6 1/2 months. The fourth general
conference of the church was held here, where the first High Priests of the
church were ordained.
Smith Variety Store site: Across the street from his home on east side
of Chillicothe Road, south of the Whitney store and north of the temple. Joseph
only operated the store a short time. He often allowed people to buy on credit
and some felt that a real prophet should let them off without paying. Joseph
closed the store rather than let it cause ill feelings among the members.
Smith Jr. Home:
West side of Chillicothe Road, .2 miles south of Whitney store and 100 yards
north of the temple. The center section of the house is believed to have been
part of the original residence. The first home owned and occupied by Joseph and
Emma in Ohio (from 1834 to 1837). The Kirtland Stake was formally organized
here on February 12, 1834, with the selection of the first High Council of the
Church. The following 5 sections of the D&C were received here: 102-104,
106 and 108. Frederick G. Williams Smith was born here June 20, 1836. Zion’s
Camp may have been initiated here. Michael Chandler visited here in July 1835
and sold four Egyptian mummies and two rolls of papyrus.
miles and 1 minute from the Visitor’s Center to Kirtland Temple
Temple: 9020
Chillicothe Road, Kirtland. The following 4 sections of the D&C were
received here: 109-110, 112 and 137. Dedicated in early 1836, accompanied by
heavenly manifestations, including an appearance of Jesus Christ. Priesthood
keys were restored here. Cornerstone was laid July 23, 1833 at the southeast
corner. President’s Room on west end of the 3rd floor was where many visions
were received, including D&C 137. It is also where Joshua Seixas taught
Hebrew. The dedication was held March 27, 1836 and 900 to 1,000 people
attended. The dedicatory prayer became the pattern for subsequent temple
dedications. The Savior, Moses, Elias and Elijah appeared to Joseph and Oliver
Cowdery on April 3, 1836. Construction: The frame consisted of oak beams
mortised and tenoned together and secured by wooden pins. The timbers measured
10 by 14 inches in diameter and at least 55 feet long. Eight timbers, which aid
in supporting the roof, were placed on stone piers in the basement and raised so
that they stood vertically 70 feet in the eaves. The walls are two feet thick
and over 60 feet high. Sandstone was quarried from the Stannard quarry, under
the direction of Joseph Smith. The roof was made of hand split cedar shakes.
The floors were 1 1/8 inch walnut boards cut at random widths and lengths.
Stucco on the outside walls was composed of crushed limestone mixed with clay
and bluish river sand. Dishes and glassware were pulverized and mixed with the
stucco to that the walls glistened in the sun. The outside stucco walls were
painted with lines to give the appearance of brick. Inside painting, using a
pristine white, was under the direction of Brigham Young. Female members, under
the direction of Joseph Smith, Sr., made carpets and curtains. Curtains were
placed on rollers so that they could be lowered from the ceiling by ropes. When
lowered, they divided the main hall into either two or four rooms. Curtains
were also placed near the ceilings above the pulpits so that they could be
lowered adjacent to the pulpits.
and Printing Office site:
The first lot west (behind) the Kirtland Temple, now covered by landscaping and
a parking lot. It was two stories, 30 by 38 feet. The Lord had commanded two
buildings, but because of poverty, one was built to serve both purposes
(D&C 94). The top floor served as meetinghouse, First Presidency office and
Church printing office. The lowest floor served as a schoolhouse. Established in
late 1833. Following dedication in December 1834, the School of the Elders
(previously School of the Prophets was moved here from the Whitney store and
held in the schoolhouse during the winter of 1834 to 1835. The school was moved
into the Kirtland Temple in January 1836. Oliver Cowdery arrived with a new
printing press December 1835, in obedience to D&C 94:10-12. The first
edition of the Doctrine and Covenents, second edition of the Book of Mormon and
first hymnbook were printed here. The Evening and Morning Star, Messenger and
Advocate and Northern Times were also printed here. On February 14, 1835, the
three witnesses chose the first Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in the
schoolhouse and ordained the ones that were present. Destroyed by fire on
January 16, 1838, apparently by Lyman Sherman, to prevent enemies of the Church
from obtaining access to the press. D&C sections 107 (dealing with the
duties of various priesthood offices) and 134 were received here.
Kirtland Cemetery:
north of the temple, the “Kirtland Mills Burying Ground” is owned and
maintained by the city of Kirtland. Buried here are John Johnson, Oliver
Granger, Joseph Coe, Thankful Pratt, and Jerusha Smith, Hyrum’s first wife, who
died October 13, 1837.
Johnson home: 7762 Maple Street (south side), four lots
west of the Kirtland Temple (closed to the public). Joseph performed a wedding
ceremony for John F. Boynton (a member of the Quorum of the Twelve) here on
January 20, 1836. John Johnson moved here from Hiram. His money made possible
the purchase of the land on the plateau and flats, including the temple.
Knight and William Marks home: 7741 Joseph Street (NW corner of Joseph and
Cowdery Streets - closed to the public). Vinson Knight was a counselor in the
Bishopric in Kirtland and died in Nauvoo. William Marks was President of the
Kirtland Stake and Nauvoo Stake. He followed James J. Strang and later assisted
in founding the RLDS Church and became a counselor to Joseph Smith III.
Smith home: 9097 Chillicothe Road (east side, where
Joseph Street joins into it - closed to the public). The original home has been
moved from the foundation and attached to the modern structure. The front part
of the home is newer and stands on the original foundation.
Safety Society site: Lot south of the temple (about where the
circular walkway is located). The failure led to the apostasy of many and
Joseph’s flight from Ohio to Missouri.
Rigdon home: East side of Chillicothe Road, SE of the
temple and directly across the street from the Kirtland Safety Society site.
Restored, two story frame building with two columns extending the height of
both stories - closed to the public.
of the temple on S.R. 306, 2 miles to Chapin Forest, a metro park on your
right. Turn right again as you enter the park and in front of you is a quarry
pond. Follow the gravel path north, about 200 feet, and find evidence of stone
removal on the NW side of the lake. Conspicuous drill holes. Workmen drilled a
row of two-inch holes, 10-12 inches apart and then set an iron wedge in each
hole. As they struck the wedges with hammers, the rock would split. Joseph
served as quarry foreman. The first loads of stone were hauled to the temple
site on June 5, 1833. This was Stannard Stone Quarry, one of several sourced
for temple stone.
miles and 48 minutes from Kirtland Visitor’s Center to John Johnson home.
Johnson home: Located
out in the country, with very little in the way of housing around it. It is a
very large, two story, white home, with a big red barn and silo behind it and surrounded
by extensive green fields. It has a Hiram address, but no town is evident (it
is apparently several miles southwest of Hiram). A lonely missionary couple
greeted us (it was very cold outside) into a little back room of the house,
which may have been a saddle room?). They are Brother and Sister Kesler and she
used to babysit for Mom and Dad when we lived on 9th Avenue in Salt Lake. Her
husband is from Oregon and I don’t recall her maiden name. She seemed quite
emotional about the meeting, even though I don’t think I was born while she was
babysitting my older siblings. Brother Kesler was our guide and he was
excellent. They have been the primary missionary couple/guides at the John
Johnson home since it opened and they are very knowledgeable and feel quite
proprietary about it. They only have a very short time before they go home.
sections of the D&C were received here: 1, 65, 68-69, 71, 73-74, 76-81, 99
and 133. Most of the revelations were received in one of the upstairs room,
including Section 76 on February 16, 1832, when Joseph and Sidney Rigdon saw a
vision of the three degrees of glory and the Father and Son. Sections 1 and 133
were received in a downstairs room. John Johnson and his wife Alice, known as
Elsa, welcomed Joseph and Emma to their home for a year, from September 1831 to
September 1832, and this was church headquarters during that time. There, on
March 24, 1832, Joseph was attacked by a mob and dragged into a nearby field
and tarred and feathered. His adopted son, Joseph (Murdock) Smith, died 5 days
later. Two sons of the Johnsons, Luke and Lyman, were members of the original
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (and may have participated in the mob?). A
daughter, Marinda, married Orson Hyde, another member of the Twelve.
was a secondary kitchen, in an off room, similar to the Newel K. Whitney home.
This was used as a summer kitchen so that the heat from the fireplace would not
heat up the rest of the house. Through the next door we entered the large, main
kitchen. It was something to behold. All of the brownish blond, wood doors,
were painted in what almost looked like orange tiger stripes, with occasional
curly ques. It was one of the most bizarre kitchens I’ve ever seen, and to
think it existed all of those years ago on the frontier. An indication of
wealth in those days was the use of bold colors. Bold colors were only
available in lead based paint, which was much more expensive. So the Johnson
home is full of very bold colors in other places as well. There were
turquoise/blue rooms, the revelation room upstairs was a tangerine orange, the
Johnson’s upstairs bedroom was a gold/yellow and the floor in the downstairs
bedroom where Joseph and Emma slept was squares in a checker board pattern with
each square painted a purple, red or yellow.
highlight of the home was the upstairs revelation room, filled with wooden
benches, a table under a window and several chairs on either side of the table.
The walls were white, with gaudy tangerine orange trim. Brother Kesler talked
about when Section 76 was received by Joseph and Sidney. They were working on
the translation of the Bible and came across John 5:29, concerning the
resurrection of the just and unjust. Joseph explained that the term “Heaven”
must include more kingdoms than one. There were at least ten people in the
room. One of them, Philo Dibble, recalled that he “saw the glory and felt the
power, but did not see the vision.” Joseph would say, at intervals, “What do I
see?” Then he would relate what he had seen or what he was looking at. Then
Sidney would reply, “I see the same.” Then Sidney would say, “what do I see””
and would repeat what he had seen or was seeing, and Joseph would reply, “I see
the same.” This went on at least an hour (Sidney Rigdon said it lasted five or six
hours). This came to be known as “The Vision,” and departed so much from
mainstream Christianity that it was not
easily received at first. Brigham Young said that “when the Vision came first
to me, it was so directly contrary and opposed to my former education, I said,
wait a little; I did not reject it, but I could not understand it.” Soon most
members came to understand and believe the concepts and came to revere this
vision as one of the most beautiful and awe-inspiring ever given.
6, 2003 (Sunday): [sleep in Willoughby - Days
Drive to
Niagara Falls
Days Inn
in Willoughby to Rodeway Inn - 191.37 miles, 3 hours and 7 minutes.
Inn At the Falls
Rainbow Blvd.
Falls, NY 14303
$39.59 + 11% tax = $43.94
Falls: In April
1836, Parley P. Pratt, Orson Pratt and Freeman Nickerson arrived at Niagara Falls. Parley wrote: “The leaping
of a mighty river of waters over a
perpendicular fall of one hundred and sixty feet, the foaming and dashing of
its white spray upon the rocks beneath; the rising cloud of mist with its
glittering rainbow, the yawning gulf with its thousand whirlpools; all
conspired to fill the contemplative mind with wonder and admiration, and with
reverence to the Great Author of all the wonders of creation; while its
everlasting roar which may be heard for many miles distant, seemed a lively
emblem of eternity.” After visiting Joseph Smith in Kirtland in March 1837,
John Taylor, Isaac Russell and other Toronto members stopped east of Niagara
Falls, retiring to a secluded spot under a high cliff, just below the falls.
“While engaged in prayer, there, within hearing of the mighty cataract, Elder
Taylor spoke in tongues for the first time.” He also received special knowledge
he kept secret, that he would be called to fill a vacancy in the Quorum of the
Journal of Edwin Q. Cannon (Sunday, August 25, 1907):
in Buffalo N.Y. at 8:35 p.m. From
Buffalo I took a train to Niagra [sic] Falls. At the Falls in company with Harold Huyde,
with whom I traveled from Salt Lake, I went in to the “Cave of the Winds”.[1]
Left Buffalo at 10 pm for Boston.”
Trip Journal
of Luella Cannon (July 9, 1929):
“Passed by Eastman Kodak plant. Loads of cherries, gardens, orchards &
farm lands. On to Fort Niagara on
Lake Ontario. Saw point where river
comes into Lake O. Drove to old fort,
had good view of Lake Ontario – old, old huts.
Old castle. This house – “The
Castle of Ft. Niagara” built by French, 1726, approximately on site occupied by
LaSalle, 1678. Taken by British, 1759,
held by them as base of warfare on Am. Frontier during Revolutionary War. First occupied by U.S. Aug. 11, 1796, retaken
by British Dec. 9, 1812, coming finally May 22, 1815 under flag of U.S. A bronze tablet on house. Queer old shutters. This castle built by French as a fur trading
station, roughly hewn oak boards, stone floors & walls. Canada very close across river. A newer section where soldier boys in
training were engaged. Youngstown just
out of fort. Rode up east bank of
Niagara River – Canada on other side. City of Niagara Falls. Went on “Maid of Mist”. Mother wouldn’t go.[2]
A wind and cloudy. Drove across bridge
to Goat Island & drove around it.
Then crossed into Canada. Ate
lunch at “Tower Inn” operated by Canadian National Electric Railways.
Took rooms at Hotel Clifton overlooking Falls – Saw lights play on
Falls, walked around and retired. Bought
fine English rum & butter toffee.”
Journal of Luella Cannon (July 10, 1929):
at Tower Inn – Drove up & down river. Drove along river through beautiful Q.
Victoria Park seeing rapids, boats wrecked.
Followed Canadian side down to Peace Bridge along Niagara River.
Crossed Peace Bridge over River where it comes out of Lake Erie. Bridge into Buffalo, built to commemorate 100
years peace between U.S. & Canada.
Built by citizens efforts in Canada & U.S.”
Journal of Horace Sorensen (September 9, 1937):
“An overnight
trip from New York saw us in Niagara Falls the next morning. We took a
sightseeing trip stopping off at each stop to see everything. We had lunch at
the restaurant in Queen Victoria Park. We donned long rubber coats and rubber
hoods for a ride on the ‘Maid of the Mist’ steamboat going up to the
foot of the falls. During the afternoon we had a ride in the aero cable car,
crossing the whirlpool in the Niagara River.”
7, 2003 (Monday): [sleep in Niagara Falls -
Rodeway Inn]
Inn to airport - 25.16 miles, 30 minutes.
Car Rental
Return at
10:30 a.m.
(BUF ): leave on Delta flight 2032 at 12:50 p.m.
Atlanta (
): arrive at 2:58 p.m.
(): leave on Delta flight 459 at 5:40 p.m.
Angeles (LAX): arrive at 7:32 p.m.
It's fun to have the words of your grandparents and our son included here. This was a special trip.
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