Mount Muir is one of thirteen fourteeners (peaks 14,000 feet or higher) in California. It is located just off the Mt. Whitney trail, about one mile short of Mt. Whitney. I climbed Mt. Muir on August 13, 1993 with my brother-in-law, David Kenison, as part of a backpacking trip that included climbs of Mt. Langley and Mt. Whitney, also fourteeners.
Below, Mt. Muir as viewed from Whitney Portal side.

Below, Mt. Muir is in the back left of the picture. Dave and I are standing at the junction of the John Muir Trail and the Mt. Whitney Trail.

The east side of the Mt. Muir summit block. There is a lot of exposure on the east and south sides of the summit.

Another view of the summit block, from the south side.

Below is a photocopy of the picture above, with the route we took outlined in red.

It was a very short climb, but it was my first experience of class 3 climbing. When I got on top, I was very uncomfortable and took pains to make sure I had at least four points of contact (my hands and feet). Dave's picture of me is better than my picture of him. That is because he was willing to position himself for a better picture. I labeled this the thrill of my trip.

Below, Dave, also on the summit of Muir.

A picture of Mt. Whitney (the last peak at the top of the picture) from Mt. Muir.

We previously climbed Mt. Langley and went on to climb Mt. Whitney, both of which will be the subjects of other posts.
Happy memory! And we look so young and fit, don't we???