Friday, February 14, 2025

Lineated Barbet

The barbets are some of the most beautiful birds I've seen, but the lineated barbet I saw in Kaziranga NP in Assam, India is the ugliest of the group I've seen so far. 
Wikipedia only has a small paragraph on it, so I picked up my information from Birds of the World. Its ugliness starts with rounded bare yellow skin around the eyes which make it look like an insomniac. It has whiskers that protrude outward over its yellowish pink bill giving it an unkempt drunkard look. Its upperparts, wings and tail are green, its head and breast have white and brown streaking and it has yellow legs and feet. It could have been created by Dr. Seuss. I think this barbet was adopted into the family, how could it have the same blood lines?
It is found in the Himalayan foothills, eastern and northeastern India,  Bangladesh and mainland Southeast Asia. 
Range from Birds of the World
I saw several of them with my guide, Boblu, near Diphlu Lodge. 

1 comment:

  1. Poor bird. It's hard to be the ugly one in a family of beauties.
