My sixth group of owlets was both exciting and frustrating. I was traveling down Walker Road going west, between McNerney and Hoskins Road, and noticed a large group of owlets, probably six or eight, standing together off the north side of the road. I was thrilled to see my biggest group of owlets so far! I don't like taking photos out of the passenger side window, so I decided to go to the end of the road and come back going east, so I could photograph them out of the driver side window. When I came back they were gone and I wasn't even sure which burrow they might have gone into. The whole north side of the road is riddled with burrows. Parent owls were there, one on top of a telephone pole and the other standing on the ground. I must have waited 30 minutes and no owlets came out. So I decided to drive a few more roads and come back.
When I came back I waited some more, and finally noticed one parent with a lizard hanging from its beak. This is the same parent that kept up a steady stream of calls which I'm sure meant "danger, stay in the hole." Go to this link and listen to the second one: Calls (Western).
Eventually one owlet popped its head out of a burrow for a minute (this was before the parent went down the hole with the lizard), but I only got a few photos before it went down again and did not come back up. I probably spent an hour at that hole for those few photos (although seeing the parent with a lizard was fun).
An hour watching the holes? Wow, this is one visit I am glad I wasn't accompanying you, cool lizard photos or not.